JavaScript Essentials Training
JavaScript Essentials Training
Order JavaScript Essentials E-Learning Training online now , including 1 year 24/7 access to interactive e-learning and a certificate of participation.
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JavaScript Essentials E-Learning
- Language: English
- Target audience: Anyone who wants to learn to program with JavaScript
- Required knowledge level: Basic computer skills
- Course duration: 19:25 hours (depending on personal speed)
- Online access: 24/7, 365 days after activation
- Award Winning E-learning
- User-friendly environment
- Certificate of Participation included
JavaScript Training
When you purchase this JavaScript Essentials E-Learning training you will have 1 year of unlimited access to comprehensive interactive videos, explanations, exercises and proper progress monitoring. Once you complete the training you can apply for a certificate of participation.
Content of the training
Getting Started
Course: 38 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Setting up a JavaScript Development Environment
- Using a JavaScript Console
- Introduction to Code Spacing and Formatting
- Methods for Including JavaScript in Web Pages
- Inserting JavaScript Code
- Creating Variables
- If Statements
- Switching Statements
Loops and Arrays
Course: 18 Minutes
- While and Do While Loops
- For Loops
- Declaring Arrays
- Looping Through Arrays
Course: 31 Minutes
- Introduction to Functions
- Custom Functions
- Passing Values to a Function
- Variable Scoping
- Array Functions
- Anonymous Functions
Course: 37 Minutes
- Creating Custom Objects
- The Loop
- Constructor Functions
- Object Methods
- Prototyping
- How to Obtain the Attribute of an Object
- Inheritance and Extending Classes
Basic Data Types
Course: 44 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Undefined Variables
- Null Variables
- Regular Expressions
- Substrings
- Formatting Strings
- Number Object
- The Math Object and Random Numbers
- Getting Date and Time
- The Boolean Object
Controlling Program Flow
Course: 19 Minutes
- Nesting If Statements
- Nesting Loops
- Break and Continue Statements
- The Conditional Operator
Working with Files
Course: 10 Minutes
- Working with XML
- Using External Code Files
Course: 17 Minutes
- JavaScript Events
- The JavaScript Event Object
- Basic Event Handlers
Error Handling
Course: 9 Minutes
- Error Handling: Try and Catch
- Error Handling: The Throw Statement
Other JavaScript Features
Course: 18 Minutes
- Comments
- Using JavaScript Timers
- Debugging with the Stack
- Encoding and Decoding URIs
Object Manipulation
Course: 21 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Creating Private Properties and Methods
- The this Keyword
- Comparing Objects
- Object Cloning
Course: 17 Minutes
- Using the XSLTProcessor Object
- Using the transformToFragment Method
- XSLT in IE
Course: 34 Minutes
- XPath XML Document Queries
- XPath within HTML
- XPath Returning Single Node Results
- XPath Returning Result Types
- XPath Iterators
- XPath Snapshots
- XPath First Nodes
String Operations
Course: 21 Minutes
- Working with Strings in JavaScript
- Escape Sequences in JavaScript Strings
- The match String Method
- Special String Characters in JavaScript
Storage, Documents, and Printing
Course: 27 Minutes
- Using the localStorage Object
- Using the sessionStorage Object
- The innerHTML Property
- The Method
- The document.write and document.writeln Methods
- JavaScript Printing
Cascading Style Sheets
Course: 32 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Setting CSS Properties with JavaScript
- Dynamically Adding Styles
- Access CSS Style Sheets with JavaScript
- Add a CSS Style to a Style Sheet
- Remove a CSS Style from a Style Sheet
- Disable or Enable a CSS Style Sheet
Interacting with the Browser
Course: 25 Minutes
- Using getElementById()
- Creating Browser Windows
- The History Object
- Dialog Boxes
- Forms
Obtaining User Information
Course: 26 Minutes
- Working with the Navigator Object
- Obtain User Information
- Working with the Location Object
- Detecting Screen Features
- Setting Cookies
- Reading Cookies
Manipulating Windows
Course: 25 Minutes
- Resizing Windows
- Moving Windows with moveBy
- Moving Windows with moveTo
- Closing Windows
- Replacing Documents in the Browser
- Using the scrollTo Method
Working with Date and Time
Course: 26 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Subtracting Dates
- Comparing Dates
- Elapsed Time
- Dates and Days of the Week
- The JavaScript Date Object
Arithmetic and Logic Operators
Course: 20 Minutes
- Bitwise Logical Operators
- Bitwise Shift Operators
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- Equality and the Triple Equal Sign in JavaScript
Math Object Properties
Course: 15 Minutes
- Euler's Number and the Logarithm Math Object Properties
- The Logarithm2 and Logarithm10 Math Object Properties
- The PI Math Object Property
- Square Root Half and Square Root
Math Object Methods
Course: 38 Minutes
- The Cosine, Sine, and Tangent Math Object Methods
- Arccosine, Arcsine, Arctangent, and Arctangent
- The Absolute Math Object Method
- The Floor and Ceiling Math Object Methods
- The Power and Square Root Math Object Methods
- The Exponent and Log Math Object Methods
- The Min and Max Math Object Methods
- The Round Math Object Method
- Generating a Random Number Between a Range of Values
Working with Fonts
Course: 24 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Changing the Style of Fonts in Strings
- Changing the Font Color in Strings
- Changing the Size of Fonts in Strings
- Generating a Hyperlink from a Text String
- Generating Superscripts and Subscripts in Strings
Searching Strings
Course: 35 Minutes
- Locating a String within a String Using indexOf
- Locating a Character in a String Using charAt
- Locating the Last Known Position of a Substring
- Search Strings Using the search Method
- Search Strings Using the match Method
- Search and Replace in Strings Using the replace Method
- Search Strings Using the slice Method
Converting Strings
Course: 23 Minutes
- Splitting a String into an Array
- Converting a String to Lower or Upper Case
- Converting the Case of Strings Based on User Location
- Converting Numbers to Strings
- Converting Strings to Numbers
Course: 9 Minutes
- Obtaining a Unicode Value from a String
- Generating a Character from a Unicode Value
Other String Operations
Course: 32 Minutes
- Using JavaScript Big and Small with Strings
- Joining Strings Using concat
- Comparing Strings Using localeCompare
- Removing White Space from Strings
- Determining the Function that Created a String
- Determining the Length of a String
- Recursively Store Data in a String
Backgrounds and Buttons
Course: 24 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Finding HTML Elements by ID
- Changing a Page Background
- Navigating to a URL with a Button
- Changing the Value of a Button
- Changing the Properties of a Button
Working with DIV Containers
Course: 23 Minutes
- Removing a DIV Container Using removeChild
- Adding a DIV Container Using appendChil
- Adding Content to a DIV
- Adding an Image File to a DIV
- Removing an Image File from a DIV
HTML Elements
Course: 34 Minutes
- Adding List Elements Using JavaScript
- Removing List Elements Using JavaScript
- Getting HTML Text from a Page Element
- Finding and Changing HTML Elements by Class Name
- Finding and Changing HTML Elements by Tag Name
- Find, Add, or Change Form Elements
- Adding HTML Elements Using document.createElement
Page Manipulation
Course: 20 Minutes
- Selecting Files and Create Image Thumbnails
- Capturing Data from a Form Field in Real Time
- Creating an Automated Redirect
- Creating a Countdown Timer
Dynamic Content
Course: 33 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Moving an HTML Element Using Keyboard Input
- Moving an HTML Element with the Mouse
- Dynamically Create Variables
- Dynamically Create Arrays
- Dynamically Generate and Execute JavaScript Commands
Retrieving Element Properties
Course: 21 Minutes
- Identifying a Clicked HTML Element
- Retrieving the X and Y Coordinates of an HTML Element
- Getting an HTML Element's CSS Styles
- Changing an Element's CSS Styles
HTML5 Basic Canvas Drawing
Course: 27 Minutes
- Accessing the HTML5 Canvas
- Manipulating the HTML5 Canvas
- Drawing a Line on the HTML5 Canvas
- Drawing a Rectangle on the HTML5 Canvas
- Drawing a Circle on the HTML5 Canvas
- Clearing the Canvas
Text and Objects on the HTML5 Canvas
Course: 25 Minutes
- Drawing Text on the HTML5 Canvas
- Creating Linear Gradients on the HTML5 Canvas
- Creating Radial Gradients on the HTML5 Canvas
- Placing Images on the HTML5 Canvas
- Creating and Tracking an Object on the HTML5 Canvas
Canvas and Animation
Course: 32 Minutes
- Determining the Optimal Animation Frame Rate
- Animating Objects on the HTML5 Canvas
- Getting the Attributes of an HTML Element
- Getting Child Object Content and Attributes
- Changing the Canvas Programmatically
- Auto Fit the Canvas to a Browser Window
Drag and Drop
Course: 19 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Implementing Drag and Drop
- Drag and Drop an Image into an HTML Element
- Drag and Drop Text into an HTML Element
Dynamic JavaScript Code
Course: 36 Minutes
- Use str.replace to Change Text on the Fly
- Animation with Timers
- Executing JavaScript Commands Contained in a String
- Dynamically Add a Hyperlink to a Web Page
- Generate an Anchor Link
- Add Properties to Objects Using prototype
- Obtain a Variable's Type
Browser and Pop-Ups
Course: 24 Minutes
- Detect a User's Browser and Screen Dimensions
- Create Button Pop-ups
- Create a Pop-up Link
- Create a DIV Pop-up and Dim the Background
- Dynamically Add a Form Field to a Web Page
Language Features and Debugging
Course: 26 Minutes
- Read and Assign Class Names
- Processing Order of Math Operators
- Nest Functions
- Filter File Types in a File Selector
- Using the Geolocation API
- Basic JavaScript Debugging
JavaScript Object Notation
Course: 10 Minutes
- JSON Serialization
- Reading JSON Data
Forms and Submission
Course: 18 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Prevent a Form from Clearing Fields on Submit
- Capture Form Data with JavaScript
- Capture File Information from a File Submit Field
Course: 18 Minutes
- Validate Numerical Input
- Validate Character Input
- Validate an E-mail Address
Checkboxes and Dialogs
Course: 30 Minutes
- Use the Confirm Dialog
- Use the Prompt Dialog
- Process Checkbox Selections
- Process a Radio Button Selection
- Process a Drop-Down Menu Selection
- Process Multiple Form Field Entries
Mouse and Keyboard Tracking
Course: 43 Minutes
- Track Mouse Coordinates in a Browser
- Track Mouse Clicks on Objects
- Track Mouse Clicks and Coordinates
- Track Keyboard Input
- Create Mouse Hover Pop-ups
- Pop-up an Image on Mouse Hover
- Track the Mouse on the Canvas
- Detect Mouse Clicks on the Canvas
Mouse Cursors
Course:18 Minutes
- The Default, Auto, Text, Copy, and Move Mouse Cursors
- The Crosshair, Help, Progress, and Wait Mouse Cursors
- Inherit, Pointer, No-drop, & Not-allowed Mouse Cursors
- Vertical-text, None, Row-resize, and Col-resize Cursors
- The Directional Resize Mouse Cursors
- Context-menu, Alias, All-scroll, and Cell Mouse Cursors
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and is supported by all major Web browsers. It is also used in many other applications, such as desktop applications, serverside scripting and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
JavaScript is a common programming language used to add interactive and dynamic elements to Web pages. It is a scripting language, which means it does not have its own executable code, but instead is executed in the context of a Web browser. JavaScript is designed to work with HTML and CSS, giving developers the ability to change and enhance the interactive functionality of Web pages.
JavaScript can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, including manipulating the content of a Web page, responding to user interaction, validating forms and communicating with servers to retrieve or send data. JavaScript is also commonly used in the development of Web applications and mobile applications.
10 benefits of JavaScript
- Interactive Web pages: JavaScript allows developers to add interactive features and dynamic elements to Web pages, enhancing the user experience.
- Cross-platform compatibility: JavaScript works on all major Web browsers and can be used on both desktop and mobile devices.
- Rapid development: JavaScript is a powerful language that enables rapid development through a wide range of development tools and libraries.
- Server-side scripting: JavaScript can be used for server-side scripting, allowing developers to use a more consistent programming language for both client- and server-side code.
- Easy integration: JavaScript can be easily integrated with other languages and frameworks, making it easier to develop complex Web applications.
- Popular library: JavaScript has a large and active community that offers many popular libraries and frameworks, such as React, Angular and Vue.js.
- Fast performance: JavaScript is usually executed on the client-side, allowing fast performance without the need for server requests.
- Versatility: JavaScript can be used for a wide range of applications, including Web applications, mobile apps, desktop applications, serverside scripting and more.
- Easy debugging: JavaScript provides developers with many useful tools and features to find and fix errors and bugs in their code.
- Future-proof: JavaScript is a popular and constantly evolving programming language that is regularly updated with new features and improvements. This ensures that the language continues to meet the needs of developers and remains relevant in the future
Why is JavaScript important?
Javascript is an important programming language because it makes it allows Web pages to be interactive and add dynamic content without reloading the page. It is cross-platform compatible and is supported by all major Web browsers. There are also many popular libraries and frameworks available that simplify development. Moreover, Javascript continues to evolve and is likely to play an important role in Web application development for many years to come.
Why OEM Office Elearning Menu?
OEM Office Elearning Menu has years of experience in providing online courses and training. From Excel, Word and Outlook to high professional ICT training for Cisco, AWS, CompTIA and more.
OEM is an official Microsoft Partner, CertiPort Partner and EC-Council Partner. With over 1000 courses from more than 200 brands, our offer is suitable for every PC user. Whether you are a first time PC user starting up Word for the first time, or an ICT professional wanting to know more about Data Security; OEM has the right course or training for you. Missing a training? Let us know and we will gladly look at the options together.
Each completed course provides you with an official certificate of participation. This is personal and specifically addressed to the student. Every Incompany training course automatically delivers a certificate of participation. For each E-learning course you need to have completed at least 70% of the practical assignments to receive a certificate of participation.
OEM - Learn to Work
Choose from 1000+ training courses from 200+ brands for your personal and business development.
An Excel course, Word course or even a full Office course always comes in handy. We deal with Microsoft programs on a daily basis and it will save you a lot of time to master them properly.
We also have training courses for ICT professionals at OEM Office Elearning Menu. For example, you will learn to deal with databases, servers, learn programming or even become a certified ethical hacker. Learn everything online through E-learning, through course books, walk-in trainings or through Incompany trainings within the company you work for.
Language | English |
Qualifications of the Instructor | Certified |
Course Format and Length | Teaching videos with subtitles, interactive elements and assignments and tests |
Lesson duration | 19:25 Hours |
Progress monitoring | Yes |
Access to Material | 365 days |
Technical Requirements | Computer or mobile device, Stable internet connections Web browsersuch as Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge. |
Support or Assistance | Helpdesk and online knowledge base 24/7 |
Certification | Certificate of participation in PDF format |
Price and costs | Course price at no extra cost |
Cancellation policy and money-back guarantee | We assess this on a case-by-case basis |
Award Winning E-learning | Yes |
Tip! | Provide a quiet learning environment, time and motivation, audio equipment such as headphones or speakers for audio, account information such as login details to access the e-learning platform. |
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OEM Office Elearning Menu Genomineerd voor 'Beste Opleider van Nederland'
OEM Office Elearning Menu is trots genomineerd te zijn voor de titel 'Beste Opleider van Nederland' door Springest, een onderdeel van Archipel. Deze erkenning bevestigt onze kwaliteit en toewijding. Hartelijk dank aan al onze cursisten.
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