Course Digital basic skills Incompany

Course Digital basic skills Incompany
Digital basic skills Incompany Certified Teachers Zero Measurements Customization Rent Laptops Reference work Handouts Certificate of participation.
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Course Digital basic skills Incompany training
We offer you a complete solution for an Incompany training course Digital basic skills. Our advisors are happy to help you map out your wishes and needs and our mission is to ensure that you get the most out of the training. That is why we also create tailor-maDe training courses that exactly match your wishes.a
A Microsoft Partner for your In-company training
The Plan of Approach may look like this and we are happy to discuss it with you in order to arrive at a custom solution that is arranged from A to Z by means of the Splendid Learning Model.
Objectives of an In-company training are:
1. That the students, after following the Incompany training, get a good picture of basic digital skills.
2. That the students, after following the Incompany training, find their way with basic digital skills without any problems.
3. That the trainees are able to carry out daily tasks using basic digital skills.
4. That the trainees are motivated to perform Basic Digital Skills.
1. Zero measurement
In advance, we offer an free of charge telephone conversation with our Microsoft certified trainer (MCT) who is also a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Master to determine the level and discuss the objectives with expert advice.
2. In-company Training
The students receive a professional, theoretical / practical In-company training in Dutch or English or in Dutch with the English Office software (customization) (at your location). It is possible to supply your own practical material which can be discussed in the training.
Your organization invites the students themselves by e-mail.
We look at the target group and learning goals, and in consultation select the MOS Master teacher and appropriate teaching material (if desired).
Weekend or evening training sessions and rental of laptops are also possible.
3. Evaluation and completion
At the end of the Incompany training, an evaluation is made and a certificate of participation is received which is visible in the user profile of the student via our LMS system or App. With this App, all students of OEM Office E-Learning Menu in the LMS can edit the Profile and download and view certificates of participation.
4. Reference work
Our practical course books tell in detail about all the different functions of e.g. Microsoft Office. These course books are intended for anyone who wants to work faster and more efficiently and get the most out of Microsoft Office. The course books contain hundreds of pages. This includes practical assignments and all subjects.
5. Aftercare
In consultation, questions can be sent to the teacher by e-mail for 3 months regarding the content of the Incompany training.
Course content Digital Basic Skills Course
- Introduction to THE COMPUTER
What is a computer?
Windows 10
Where are my documents?
- The User Interface
- The Ribbon
- Contextual Tabs
- Live Preview
- Mini Toolbar
- The File tab
- Program settings
- The Quick Access Toolbar
- Shortcuts or Keystrokes
- Last Opened Files
- Closing the program vs. closing a document window
- The Status Bar
- Changed file format
- PDF format standard
- New Fonts
- SmartArt
- Screenshot
- WordArt and Images
- Navigation area
- Customize View
- Task Bar
- E-mail Management
- View as conversation
- Search options
- Calendar options
- Schedule view
- Follow Up
- Categorize
- Auto answer(In absence)
- Tasks
- Contacts
- Cut, copy and paste(with options)
- Text formatting
- Styles
- Header, footer and page number
- Spell check
- Page Layout
- Worksheet size
- Backstage view
- Cut, copy and paste(with options)
- Numbers
- Formatting (conditional)
- Formatting as a table
- Sorting and filtering
- Graphs
- Printouts
- Report functions
- Cell references
Request in-company training
Microsoft Office Study Advice | Our Microsoft Office study advisors are happy to help you identify your wishes and convert this into a tailor-made, practical training at your location. |
Zero measurement - Knowledge analysis | In advance we offer a free 0-measurement (online), telephone contact with our Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Master teacher to determine the level, with expert advice. |
Own files | It is possible to supply your own practical material that is treated in the training. |
Weekend trainings | In addition to the possibility to provide training on location on workdays, OEM Office Elearning Menu also offers the possibility to provide training for our customers during the weekend. A unique way to work outside of normal working hours, yet efficien |
Teachers | We look at the target group and learning objectives and in consultation select the most suitable Microsoft Office Specilalist MOS Master certified teacher. |
Languages | Dutch / English, Dutch with English software or English with English software. |
Unique training forms | From a 1 on 1 personal training to a customized training for a group of up to 12 people. The options exactly tailored to your wishes and specific situation. |
Tier prices | We have different graduated prices depending on the desired numbers and group size for your training. |
Mobile classroom | If desired, we can provide your organization with a mobile (extra cost) classroom. |
Reference works | Practical course books in details about all the different functions of e.g. Microsoft Excel. Quick Reference Cards are handy 12-page full-color plastic reference work in pocket format |
Evaluation | Evaluation is done at the end of the training. |
Certificate | At the end of the training you will receive a certificate of participation visible in the user profile of the student or our App. |
Het doel van de cursus was duidelijk Oneens x Eens
Ik was goed ingelicht over de inhoud van de cursus x Eens
De cursus sluit aan op de praktijksituatie x Eens
Heeft u een trainingsadvies ontvangen? ja x
De verdeling van de lesstof over de tijd is goed x Eens
De inhoud van de cursus sluit aan bij de praktijk x Eens
Het cursusmateriaal is goed x Eens
De lengte van de cursus was goed x Eens
De docent beantwoordde de vragen goed x Eens
De technische kennis van de docent was goed. x Eens
De docent legde de stof helder uit x Eens
De docent bood ondersteuning bij oefeningen x Eens
Ik kreeg voldoende gelegenheid te oefenen x Eens
Begon de cursus op tijd? ja x
De inrichting van het lokaal is goed x Eens
De lunch, koffie en thee waren goed verzorgd x Eens
De ontvangst was goed x Eens
De apparatuur werkte naar behoren x Eens
Welk rapportcijfer geeft voor deze cursus in het algemeen (1-10): 8"Ed Baltesen on 20 Dec 2022
OEM Office Elearning Menu Top 2 in ICT-trainingen 2024!
OEM Office Elearning Menu is trots op de tweede plaats in de categorie ICT-trainingen 2024 bij Beste Opleider van Nederland (Springest/Archipel). Dank aan al onze cursisten voor hun vertrouwen!
Het doel van de cursus was duidelijk Oneens x Eens
Ik was goed ingelicht over de inhoud van de cursus x Eens
De cursus sluit aan op de praktijksituatie x Eens
Heeft u een trainingsadvies ontvangen? ja x
De verdeling van de lesstof over de tijd is goed x Eens
De inhoud van de cursus sluit aan bij de praktijk x Eens
Het cursusmateriaal is goed x Eens
De lengte van de cursus was goed x Eens
De docent beantwoordde de vragen goed x Eens
De technische kennis van de docent was goed. x Eens
De docent legde de stof helder uit x Eens
De docent bood ondersteuning bij oefeningen x Eens
Ik kreeg voldoende gelegenheid te oefenen x Eens
Begon de cursus op tijd? ja x
De inrichting van het lokaal is goed x Eens
De lunch, koffie en thee waren goed verzorgd x Eens
De ontvangst was goed x Eens
De apparatuur werkte naar behoren x Eens
Welk rapportcijfer geeft voor deze cursus in het algemeen (1-10): 8"Ed Baltesen on 20 Dec 2022