Java Mobile App Apprentice To Journeyman Developer Training

Java Mobile App Apprentice To Journeyman Developer Training
Award winning Java Mobile App Apprentice To Journeyman Developer Training with access to an online mentor via chat or email, final exam assessment and Practice Labs.
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Java Mobile App Apprentice To Journeyman Developer E-Learning
Grow your programming skills by exploring Java and also learning about Git, GitHub and mobile app development as you aim to become a journeyman developer.
This learning path, with more than 92 hours of online content, is divided into the following four tracks:
• Track 1: Apprentice Developer
• Track 2: Senior Developer
• Track 3: Lead Developer
• Track 4: Journeyman Developer
Track 1: Apprentice Developer
In this track of the Apprentice Developer to Journeyman Developer journey, the focus is on getting started with Java programming, and classes and objects in Java.
E-learning courses
Java Programming: Introduction
Course: 1 Hour, 12 Minutes
- Course Overview
- The Popularity of Java
- Java on Unix or Mac
- Eclipse on Unix or Mac
- IntelliJ on Unix or Mac
- Java on Windows
- Eclipse on Windows
- IntelliJ on Windows
- IntelliJ Preferences
- Examining Bytecode
- Comments in Java
- Course Summary
Java Programming: Working with Primitive Data Types
Course: 1 Hour, 11 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Primitive Data Types
- Initializing Variables
- Doubles and Strings
- Arrays of Primitive Types
- Enumerated Types
- Modifying Variables
- Arithmetic Operators
- The += Operator
- Other Self-modification Operators
- Course Summary
Java Programming: Arithmetic & Logical Operations
Course: 1 Hour, 6 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Boolean Operators
- Comparison Operations
- Logical Operations
- Using Parentheses
- Unary Increment and Decrement
- Complex Unary Expressions
- Type Conversions
- Course Summary
Java Programming: Working with Strings & Wrapper Objects
Course: 1 Hour, 19 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Comparing Objects
- Creating and Comparing Strings
- The == operator vs. .equals()
- Local Variables
- StringBuffer Objects
- StringBuilder Objects
- Wrapper Objects
- Type Conversions Using Wrappers
- Extracting Primitive Types from Wrappers
- Course Summary
Java Programming: Conditional Evaluation
Course: 1 Hour, 31 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Conditional Evaluation
- Introducing the else Clause
- Constructing if-else Blocks
- Nested if-else Clauses
- User Input and if-else
- Comparing Strings in if-else
- Introducing the switch Statement
- The default keyword
- Enumerated Types in Switch Statements
- String Variables in Switch Statements
- Course Summary
Java Programming: Iterative Evaluation
Course: 1 Hour, 29 Minutes
- Course Overview
- For Loops for Iterative Execution
- The break Keyword
- The continue Keyword
- Nested Loops
- Enhanced for Loops
- While Loops
- Multiple Loop Variables
- Infinite Loops
- Do-while Loops
- Course Summary
Java SE 13: Understanding Classes & Objects in Java
Course: 1 Hour, 3 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Classes and Objects
- Member Variables and Methods
- Defining Classes
- Instantiating Objects
- Invoking Constructors
- Using Getters and Setters
- Course Summary
Java SE 13: Constructors & Other Methods
Course: 1 Hour
- Course Overview
- Initializing Member Variables
- Using Parameterized Constructors
- Defining Multiple Constructors
- Using the this Keyword
- Using Access Modifiers
- Implementing Getters and Setters
- Overloading Methods
- Course Summary
Java SE 13: More Operations on Member Variables & Methods
Course: 1 Hour, 3 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Overriding .toString
- Chaining Constructors
- Defining Static Member Variables
- Using Static Member Variables
- Accessing Static Members
- Static and Non-static Methods
- Course Summary
Java SE 13: Semantics of Method Invocation & Nested Classes
Course: 1 Hour, 24 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Initialization Blocks
- Pass-by-Value
- Pass-by-Reference
- Modification vs. Re-initialization
- Defining Static Nested Classes
- Using Static Nested Classes
- Defining Inner Classes
- Using Inner Classes
- Course Summary
Java SE 13: Understanding Exception Handling in java
Course: 55 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introducing Exceptions
- The Catch-or-Specify Rule
- How Java Responds to Exceptions
- Built-in Exception Classes
- Encounters with Exceptions
- IO-related Exceptions
- Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions
- Course Summary
Java SE 13: Correctly Using Try-Catch-Finally Blocks
Course: 1 Hour, 18 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Divide-by-Zero Exceptions
- Exception Information
- One Try with Multiple Catch Blocks
- Using | to Combine Multiple Catch Blocks
- Related Catch Blocks
- Exception Handling for IO Operations
- Using the finally Keyword
- Semantics and Limitations of finally
- Correct Positioning of finally
- Course Summary
Java SE 13: Try-with-resources & Custom Exceptions
Course: 1 Hour, 28 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Declaring Exceptions
- Exception Handling in Related Methods
- Try-with-resources1
- Semantics of try-with-resources
- Throwing Exceptions
- Throwing Runtime vs. Checked Exceptions
- Invoking a Method That Throws a Checked Exception
- The Catch-or-Specify Rule with a Sequence of Methods
- Custom Exception Objects
- Throwing and Catching Custom Exception Objects
- Course Summary
Java SE 13: Byte & Character Streams in Java
Course: 54 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Java Classes for Byte and Character Streams
- Byte Streams
- FileInputStreams
- FileOutputStreams
- Combining FileInputStreams and FileOutputStreams
- Character Streams
- FileReader and FileWriter
- Course Summary
Java SE 13: Streams for Primitive Types, Objects, & Buffered IO
Course: 1 Hour, 11 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Buffered Streams for Byte Data
- Buffered Readers for Character Data
- DataOutputStreams for Primitive Types
- DataInputStreams for Primitive Types
- ObjectOutputStreams for Serialized Objects
- ObjectInputStreams for Serialized Objects
- Implementing Serializable
- Course Summary
Java SE 13: Working with Files & Directories
Course: 1 Hour, 1 Minute
- Course Overview
- The Path Interface in java.nio
- Using the Path Interface
- Creating Files - Old and New APIs
- File Operations in java.nio
- Directory Operations in java.nio
- Working with File Attributes
- Working with Directories and Disk Stores
- Course Summary
Online Mentor
You can reach your Mentor by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Apprentice Developer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
Perform Apprentice Developer tasks such as working with arrays and static and non-static methods, managing exceptions in Java, and working with FileWriter and FileReader. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after using Do-While Loop, working with inner classes, and using try-with-resources. This lab provides access to tools typically used by Enterprise Developers, including: Oracle JDK 8 & Eclipse.
Track 2: Senior Developer
In this track of the Apprentice Developer to Journeyman Developer journey, the focus is on Object-Oriented Programming in Java, and Introducing Git and GitHub.
E-learning courses
Java OOP: Understanding Inheritance & Polymorphism in Java
Course: 1 Hour, 22 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Inheritance
- Inheritance in Action
- Understanding Polymorphism
- The java.lang.Object Base Class
- Methods Derived from java.lang.Object
- Member Variables in Derived Classes
- Introducing the Is-A Relationship
- Relationships between Base and Derived Class Objects
- Multiple Derived Classes from One Base Class
- Course Summary
Java OOP: The Role of Constructors in Inheritance
Course: 58 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Access Modifiers and Superclass Constructors
- Introduction to Constructors
- Using the super Keyword
- Default and Parameterized Constructors
- Invoking Base Class Constructors
- Initializing Member Variables
- Course Summary
Java OOP: Multi-level Inheritance
Course: 57 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Multilevel Inheritance
- The instanceof Operator
- The Is-A Relationship
- Downcasting
- Up-casting
- Multilevel Inheritance Hierarchies
- The extends Keyword
- Course Summary
Java OOP: Run-time & Compile-time Polymorphism
Course: 1 Hour, 21 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Polymorphism
- Method Overriding
- The @Override Annotation
- Polymorphism in a Multilevel Inheritance Hierarchy
- Adding Classes to Inheritance Hierarchies
- Introduction to Compile-time Polymorphism
- Understanding Type Promotion
- Forbidden Type Conversions
- Compile-time Polymorphism & Inheritance Hierarchies
- Course Summary
Java OOP: Understanding Overriding & Hiding in Inheritance
Course: 1 Hour, 23 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Method Overriding and Hiding
- Method Invocation and the super Keyword
- Overriding Base Class Methods
- Method Overriding with Inheritance Hierarchies
- Static Methods and Static Binding
- Pitfalls to Avoid with Static Methods
- Overriding toString Correctly
- Overriding equals Correctly
- Overriding hashCode Correctly
- The Link between equals and hashCode
- Course Summary
Java OOP: The Semantics of the final & abstract Keywords
Course: 1 Hour, 1 Minute
- Course Overview
- Introducing the final Keyword
- Final Member Variables
- Final Arrays
- Final Classes and Final Methods
- Defining Abstract Classes
- Extending Abstract Classes
- Instantiating Derived Class Objects of Abstract Classes
- Course Summary
Java OOP: Access Modifiers for Regulating Access
Course: 55 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Access Modifiers
- Cross-package Access
- The Semantics of Protected Members
- Cross-package Access of Protected Members
- The Default Access Modifier for Members
- The Default Access Modifier for Classes
- Course Summary
Java OOP: Interfaces & Anonymous Classes
Course: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Interfaces
- Using instanceof with Interfaces
- Combining the extends and implements Keywords
- Multiple Inheritance of Interfaces
- Default Methods in Interfaces
- Abstract Classes that Implement Interfaces
- Anonymous Inner Classes
- Outer Class Access from Anonymous Inner Classes
- Course Summary
Git & GitHub: Introduction
Course: 32 Minutes
- Course Overview
- An Introduction to Version Control
- Features of Git
- Branching and Merging in Git
- Hosting Git Repositories with GitHub
- Course Summary
Git & GitHub: Working with Git Repositories
Course: 1 Hour, 27 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introducing the Git Client
- Creating a Local Git Repository
- Creating a Repository on GitHub
- Linking a Local Repo to a Remote One
- Pushing from a Local to a Remote Repo
- Adding Files to a Repository
- Modifying Files in a Repository
- Viewing the Commit Log
- Visualizing Git Branches
- Deleting Files from a Repository
- Visualizing a Git Merge
- Implementing a Merge of Two Branches
- Course Summary
Git & GitHub: Using GitHub for Source Code Management
Course: 1 Hour, 26 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introducing Pull Requests
- Adding Collaborators to a Repo
- Simulating a Git Workflow
- Introducing Merge Conflicts
- Pulling Commits from a Remote Repo
- GitHub Insights
- Tagging Releases
- Deleting Tags
- Creating Issues on GitHub
- Working with Milestones
- Using Project Boards
- Setting Up a Wiki for a Repo
- GitHub Organizations
- Cloning a Remote Repo
- Course Summary
Online Mentor
You can reach your Mentor by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Senior Developer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
Perform Senior Developer tasks such as working with derived methods, using the Super Keyword, implementing polymorphism, and working with final classes and methods. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after implementing cross-package access of protected members, pushing from a local to remote repo, merging branches and working with issue and milestone in GitHub.
Track 3: Lead Developer
In this track, the focus is on advanced features in Java, and data structures and algorithms in Java.
E-learning collections
Advanced Features in Java: Getting Started with Java Collections
Course: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Arrays: A Quick Refresher
- Limitations of Arrays
- ArrayList as a Collection
- Properties of ArrayList
- Methods of the Array Class
- Custom Objects in ArrayLists
- Indexing into ArrayLists
- Course Summary
Advanced Features in Java: Working with Lists in Java
Course: 1 Hour, 8 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Lists
- Different List Implementations
- Methods of the Collection Interface
- Methods of the List Interface
- Iteration over Lists
- More List Iteration Techniques
- Range-views on Lists
- Course Summary
Advanced Features in Java: List Algorithms & Implementations
Course: 57 Minutes
- Course Overview
- ArrayList vs. LinkedList
- LinkedLists and Vectors
- Custom Comparators
- List Copy Operations
- Overriding the .equals Method
- List Equality with an Overridden .equals Method
- Course Summary
Advanced Features in Java: Working with Sets In Java
Course: 1 Hour, 23 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to HashSets
- HashSets and Duplicates
- Different Types of Sets
- Properties of Sets
- Iteration over Sets
- Using EnumSets
- Order of Set Elements
- TreeSets and Comparators
- TreeSets, Custom Objects, and Custom Comparators
- Course Summary
Advanced Features in Java: Working with Maps in Java
Course: 49 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Maps
- Maps with Duplicates
- Maps and the Collection Interface
- Different Types of Maps
- Using TreeMaps
- Course Summary
Advanced Features in Java: Using the Java Stream API with Collections
Course: 1 Hour, 12 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Streams
- Stream Predicates
- Predicates that Return Streams
- Mapping a Predicate
- Terminal Operations Using Predicates
- The Use of Collectors
- Custom Collectors
- Course Summary
Advanced Features in Java: Using Built-in Annotations
Course: 1 Hour, 24 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to the @Override Annotation
- Using @Override to Protect Against Typos
- Overriding the .toString, .equals, and .hashCode Methods
- Correctly Overriding the .equals Method
- Introduction to the @Deprecated Annotation
- More Uses of the @Deprecated Annotation
- The forRemoval Element from the @Deprecated Annotation
- The @SuppressWarnings Annotation
- Usage Scenarios of the @SuppressWarnings Annotation
- Course Summary
Advanced Features in Java: Using Custom Annotations
Course: 1 Hour, 31 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Java Varargs - Variable Arguments
- Introduction to the @SafeVarargs Annotation
- The @FunctionalInterface Annotation
- Some Quirks of the @FunctionalInterface Annotation
- Introduction to Custom Annotations
- Experimentation with the Target Policy
- Code Checks Using Custom Annotations
- Experimentation with Named Elements
- Default Values in Annotations
- Using the Target Policy Type_Parameter
- Using the Target Policy Type_Use
- Course Summary
Advanced Features in Java: Using Generic Type Parameters
Course: 1 Hour, 34 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Type Parameters
- Experimentation with Type Parameters
- The Underlying Raw Type
- Naming Conventions with Type Parameters
- Invoking Functions with Multiple Type Parameters
- Type Parameters in Individual methods
- Different Aspects of Type Parameters in Functions
- Defining Methods with Multiple Type Parameters
- Introduction to Bounded Type Parameters
- Bounded Type Parameters as Usage Constraints
- Course Summary
Advanced Features in Java: Wildcards and Type Capture
Course: 1 Hour, 30 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Comparable and Serializable Type Parameters
- Introduction to Inherited Type Parameters
- Type Parameters in an Inheritance Hierarchy
- Experimentation with Type Parameters in Inheritance
- Introduction to Wildcards
- Upper Bounded Wildcards vs. Bounded Type Parameters
- Unbounded Wildcards
- Lower Bounded Wildcards
- The Capture Error
- Type Erasure
- Course Summary
Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Introduction
Course: 1 Hour, 54 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
- Data Structures vs. Abstract Data Types
- Dimensions of Performance
- Complexity as a Measure of Performance
- The Big-O Notation
- Getting Started with a New Java Project
- Constant Time Complexity
- Linear Time Complexity Algorithms
- Additional Algorithms with Linear Time Complexity
- Timing Operations with Linear Time Complexity
- Simple Algorithms with Linear Time Complexity
- Quadratic Time Complexity
- Cubic Time Complexity
- Logarithmic Time Complexity
- Course Summary
Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Working with Singly Linked Lists
Course: 1 Hour, 37 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introducing Linked Lists
- Inserting a Node
- Searching for a Node
- Deleting a Node
- Counting Nodes
- Setting Up a Linked List Node
- Insertion at the Linked List Head & Counting Nodes
- Insertion of Nodes at the Linked List Tail
- Insertion of Nodes at a Specified Index
- Implementing Pop and Contains Operations
- Deleting a Node from a Linked List
- Finding All Nodes Less Than a Value
- Arrays vs. Linked Lists
- Course Summary
Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Doubly & Circular Linked Lists
Course: 42 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Insertion at Head and Tail of Doubly Linked List
- Insertion at Specified Index of Doubly Linked List
- Deleting a Node of a Doubly Linked List
- Printing Backwards with Doubly Linked Lists
- Inserting a Node in a Circular Linked List
- Counting & Deleting Nodes in a Circular Linked List
- Course Summary
Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Working with Stacks
Course: 1 Hour, 29 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introducing the Stack
- Stack Using Arrays - Is Empty, Is Full, and Size
- Stack Using Arrays - Push
- Stack Using Arrays - Pop
- Stack Using Arrays - Peek
- Stack Using Linked Lists - Push
- Stack Using Linked Lists - Pop and Peek
- Stack Problems - The Command Design Pattern
- Stack Problems - Implementing Undo
- Stack Problems - Matching Parenthesis
- Stack Problems - Minimum Element in Constant Time
- Course Summary
Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Working with Queues
Course: 1 Hour, 50 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introducing the Queue
- Queue Using Arrays - Is Full, Is Empty, and Size
- Queue Using Arrays - Enqueue
- Queue Using Arrays - Dequeue
- Queue Using Arrays - O(N) Enqueue and Peek
- Circular Queue - Is Full, Is Empty, and Enqueue
- Circular Queue - Dequeue and Peek
- Queue Using Linked Lists - Enqueue
- Queue Using Linked Lists - Dequeue and Peek
- Double-ended Queue
- Queue Using Two Stacks
- Built-in Stack and Queue
- The Priority Queue
- Course Summary
Online Mentor
You can reach your Mentor by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Lead Developer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
Perform Lead Developer tasks such as working with ArrayList, using Comparator with TreeSet, working with Maps and Streams. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after implementing custom annotations, using TypeParameters, working with LinkedList and managing queue. This lab provides access to tools typically used by Lead Developers, including: Oracle JDK 11 & Eclipse for JEE Developers.
Track 4: Journeyman Developer
In this track of the Apprentice Developer to Journeyman Developer journey, the focus is on mobile app development on Android.
E-learning collections
Mobile App Development: An Introduction to Android Development
Course: 1 Hour, 2 Minutes
- Course Overview
- The Android Operating System
- Tools for Android Development
- The Structure of an Android App
- Android Activities
- The Activity Layout File
- The Features of the Kotlin Language
- Kotlin and Android
- The Android Development Lifecycle
- Course Summary
Mobile App Development: Building a Basic Android App
Course: 1 Hour, 38 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Installing Android Studio
- Creating an Android Studio Project
- Exploring the Project Structure
- Editing a Layout from the UI
- Adding a Virtual Device
- Running and Installing the App
- Exploring the Layout File
- The Editable Text Field
- Setting Constraints for Widgets
- Fixing Hardcoded Values in Layouts
- Defining a Second Layout for the App
- Linking Two Activities
- Deploying the Android App
- Course Summary
Mobile App Development: Defining the UI for an Android App
Course: 1 Hour, 12 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Setting the App Specifications
- Defining Colors and Strings
- Adding an Image to the Project
- Setting the Header for a Navigation Pane
- Defining a Menu for a Navigation Pane
- The NavigationView
- Designing the Home Page
- Creating a Splash Screen
- Designing the Results and MarketStatus Screens
- Creating a Help Page
- Course Summary
Mobile App Development: Coding the Behavior of an Android App
Course: 1 Hour, 26 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Coding the App's Splash Screen
- Defining the Currency Data Object
- Updating the Project Gradle Script
- Defining the Navigation Pane
- Configuring the Menu Behavior
- Setting the Home Page Activity
- Retrieving and Parsing JSON Data
- Coding the Results and MarketStatus Activities
- Configuring the Manifest File
- Installing and Running the App
- Generating an APK File
- Course Summary
Mobile App Development: Authentication in an Android App
Course: 1 Hour, 34 Minutes
- Course Overview
- The Login View
- The Registration View
- Updating the Navigation Pane
- Enabling Firebase Authentication
- Enabling the Firebase Database
- Data Validation in an Activity
- Using Firebase to Register Users
- Coding the Login Activity
- Coding the Navigation Pane
- Configuring Firebase
- Testing the Registration Activity
- Testing the Login and Logout Features
- Course Summary
Mobile App Development: Testing an Android App
Course: 1 Hour, 46 Minutes
- Sections
- DurationStatusActions
- Course Overview
- The Test Interface in Android Studio
- Writing Tests for Utility Functions
- Setup Functions for Tests
- Running an Instrumented Test
- The ActivityTestRule
- Writing an Interactive Test
- Initializing the HomePage Test
- Testing the Navigation Pane
- Testing the HomePage
- Running Multiple Instrumented Tests
- Testing the Sign Up Activity
- Recording an Espresso Test
- Running an Espresso Test
- Running Tests from the Terminal
- Course Summary
Online Mentor
You can reach your Mentor by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Journeyman Developer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
Perform Journeyman Developer tasks such as configuring Android Project, managing Android Virtual Device, working with Layout, and linking Intent. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after working with NavigationUI, managing splash screen and user interface, and using Espresso. This lab provides access to tools typically used by Journeyman Developers, including: Android Studio.
Language | English |
Qualifications of the Instructor | Certified |
Course Format and Length | Teaching videos with subtitles, interactive elements and assignments and tests |
Lesson duration | 92 Hours |
Assesments | The assessment tests your knowledge and application skills of the topics in the learning pathway. It is available 365 days after activation. |
Online mentor | You will have 24/7 access to an online mentor for all your specific technical questions on the study topic. The online mentor is available 365 days after activation, depending on the chosen Learning Kit. |
Online Virtuele labs | Receive 12 months of access to virtual labs corresponding to traditional course configuration. Active for 365 days after activation, availability varies by Training |
Progress monitoring | Yes |
Access to Material | 365 days |
Technical Requirements | Computer or mobile device, Stable internet connections Web browsersuch as Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge. |
Support or Assistance | Helpdesk and online knowledge base 24/7 |
Certification | Certificate of participation in PDF format |
Price and costs | Course price at no extra cost |
Cancellation policy and money-back guarantee | We assess this on a case-by-case basis |
Award Winning E-learning | Yes |
Tip! | Provide a quiet learning environment, time and motivation, audio equipment such as headphones or speakers for audio, account information such as login details to access the e-learning platform. |
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