LX0-104 - CompTIA Linux+ Exam 2 practice test

LX0-104 - CompTIA Linux+ Exam 2 practice test
Order LX0-104 - CompTIA Linux+ Exam 2 practice test start your test exam today.
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LX0-104 - CompTIA Linux+ Exam 2 practice test
Candidates for the CompTIA Linux+ Exam 2 have 12 months of Linux admin experience, and CompTIA recommends having CompTIA A+ and Network+ certifications. This is the second of 2 exams required to gain the Linux+ certification.
This purchase grants access to 2 practice exams.
This exam measures the following skills:
- Shells, scripting, and data management
- User interfaces and desktops
- Administrative tasks
- Essential system services
- Networking fundamentals
- Security
For more information about the LX0-104 exam, visit the CompTIA page.
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