EC-Council is an ANSI 17024 accredited organization. Founded in 2001, EC-Council has global offices in the U.S., U.K., Malaysia, Singapore, India and Indonesia.
EC-Council's main goal is to build and refine the cybersecurity profession. Through the development of world-class cyber security training and related certifications, the company provides cyber security services to some of the largest companies in the world.
EC-Council's first and best-known certification, the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), specializes in ethical hacking and provides students with an understanding of various cyber-attack vectors and preventive countermeasures, and regularly ranks in the top ten certifications highly sought after by employers in the cybersecurity industry.
EC-Council also helps build individual and team/organizational cyber capabilities through other key certifications such as Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI), Certified Network Defender (CND) and Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO).
The EC-Council (The International Council of E-Commerce Consultants) is the world's largest technical certification body for cybersecurity. The organization operates in more than 140 countries, and it is the developer of the most popular cybersecurity, ethical hacking and pentesting certifications around the world, such as Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI), Certified Security Analyst (ECSA), Licensed Penetration Testing (Practical) programs, among others.
Their certification programs are recognized around the world and have been endorsed by various government agencies such as the National Security Agency (NSA), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. military services, MI6 and more.
Everyone who achieves EC-Council certification comes from some of the most well-known organizations, companies and agencies from around the world, such as the FBI (Federal Bureau Of Investigation), the U.S. military, the UN (United Nations), Apple, Google, Microsoft and IBM. EC-Council certifications and qualifications are recognized around the world and have even been endorsed by various government organizations and agencies.
Some pass rates of EC-Council exams are based on the knowledge and skills required to demonstrate competency in the subject and on the difficulty of the questions presented to a candidate. Because the number of correct answers required to pass varies based on the difficulty of the questions asked, your performance may be higher relative to the passing standard even if you answered fewer questions correctly (in other words, a lower percentage) than if you were presented with an easier set of questions.
Scale scores make it easier to evaluate improvements in your performance over time. This is standard practice in the certification and licensing industry.
The cyber security industry is growing daily. But cyber security techniques and practices are changing rapidly and are often highly sophisticated. Cybersecurity is an exciting and challenging industry to work in, with an ongoing need for training to keep up with the changes.
Therefore, organizations need the best people to deal with this rapidly advancing situation. Anyone who likes a challenge and is good at solving problems is an asset to the industry. And the industry is crying out for good cybersecurity people. The aforementioned report also found that organizations are struggling to recruit cyber security people. By 2021, there were expected to be 3.5 million unfilled positions in the sector.
Cybersecurity is the great equalizer. It offers an interesting and stimulating career for both men and women. With unfilled positions and high pay, interesting career paths and often flexible work, cybersecurity is recommended for any IT professional.
Cyber security protects sensitive data, such as customer information and trade secrets, from unauthorized access and intrusion. Implementing a cyber security program is also a mandatory requirement of many data privacy regulations and laws.
Courses for EC-Council are suitable for any IT professional, whether private or business. According to your already acquired training and knowledge, you choose which EC-Council training course you start with, or continue with. Do you need advice about this? Then we are at your service via phone, chat and email.
For each online training course purchased, you have 1 year of access. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for up to 365 days. So you decide when and how long you learn for the training. Is the daytime not convenient? The evening and night are available to you. Even if you go on vacation for a few weeks, this is no problem and you simply pick it up again after your well-deserved vacation.
There are different levels of certifications offered by the EC-Council. These levels show how much expertise one has in a particular field. The levels also target different job functions. This separation in the levels of certifications can really help working professionals expand and build their skills. This separation also helps recruiters in organizations understand what level of expertise a potential employee has when hiring.
The different levels of certifications offered by EC-Council are:
The following trainings will give you a basic understanding of cyber security. If you have no experience in cybersecurity, or you haven't worked in this field in a while, these trainings are a good way to increase or refresh your security skills.
Once you have mastered the basics, you are ready to move on to EC-Council's core certification programs.
Cybersecurity as a profession has the top management role of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). This is the pinnacle of the security professional's career path and a highly valued job. The EC-Council offers a specific program to certify the CISO.
EC-Council offers a number of exams that allow you to specialize. Having a specialization is a great way to show commitment to the industry and stand out from the crowd.
EC Council is an internationally recognized certificate and is highly regarded by many companies and organizations in various IT sectors. Obtaining these recognized qualifications will highlight your knowledge in ethical hacking, pen testing and cyber security, making your resume stand out from the crowd.
Ethical hacking is a fast-growing career sector in which there is a significant demand for skilled IT professionals. Completing an EC-Council course will set you apart from other applicants for similar positions, whether you are looking to change careers, get promoted or are just starting out on a career as an ethical hacker.
EC-Council's training offerings are very diverse, meaning that no matter what intended career path you choose, there is a cybersecurity course to meet your requirements. Once you achieve your first EC-Council qualification, you can continue and develop your career path by gaining further advanced EC-Council certifications and qualifications.
Prime IT skills are in high demand and an EC-Council certification is a great way to start your career, change careers, get promoted or improve your skills. Taking an EC-Council training course will help you meet the demands of the current and future job market. Whether you want to start your career in cyber security or are looking for a promotion in your existing IT position; by obtaining this qualification you will open doors to an exciting new period of career growth.
There are many positions that go hand in hand with EC-Council training. EC-Council goes extremely well with the following IT professions:
The International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) is a membership-based organization that certifies individuals in various e-business and information security skills. EC-Council is the owner and creator of the world-renowned Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (CHFI) and EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA)/License Penetration Tester (LPT) certifications and many other certifications offered in over 87 countries worldwide.
EC-Council's mission is to validate information security professionals equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge required in a specialized information security domain that will help them avert a cyber conflict should it ever become necessary. EC-Council strives to maintain the highest level of impartiality and objectivity in its practices, decision-making and authority in all matters related to certification.
EC-Council was founded as a result of very daunting research following the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. Founder Jay Bavisi, after seeing the attacks, asked himself the question: what if a similar attack were carried out on the Cyber battlefield? Would the information security community have the resources to thwart such an attack? At the time, the answer was no.
EC-Council, officially established as the International Council of E-Commerce Consultants, was created to create information security training and certification programs to help the very community our connected economy would rely on to save them from a devastating Cyber attack.
EC-Council quickly gained the support of top researchers and subject matter experts around the world and launched its first information security program, the Certified Ethical Hacker. With this ever-growing team of subject matter experts and InfoSec researchers, EC-Council continued to build various standards, certifications and training programs in electronic commerce and information security.
OEM Office Elearning Menu has years of experience in providing online courses and training. From Excel, Word and Outlook to high professional ICT training for Cisco, AWS, CompTIA and more.
OEM is an official Microsoft Partner, CertiPort Partner and EC-Council Partner. With over 1000 courses from more than 200 brands, our offer is suitable for every PC user. Whether you are a first time PC user starting up Word for the first time, or an ICT professional wanting to know more about Data Security; OEM has the right course or training for you. Missing a training? Let us know and we will gladly look at the options together.
Each completed course provides you with an official certificate of participation. This is personal and specifically addressed to the student. Every Incompany training course automatically delivers a certificate of participation. For each E-learning course you need to have completed at least 70% of the practical assignments to receive a certificate of participation.
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An Excel course, Word course or even a full Office course always comes in handy. We deal with Microsoft programs on a daily basis and it will save you a lot of time to master them properly.
We also have training courses for ICT professionals at OEM Office Elearning Menu. For example, you will learn to deal with databases, servers, learn programming or even become a certified ethical hacker. Learn everything online through E-learning, through course books, walk-in trainings or through Incompany trainings within the company you work for.