ITS Software Development practice test

ITS Software Development practice test
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ITS Software Development practice test
Candidates for this exam are seeking to prove core software development skills, including object-oriented programming, web applications, and databases. Candidates are expected to have some experience with C# and ANSI SQL. Before taking this exam, candidates should have a solid foundational knowledge of the topics outlined in this preparation guide.
It is recommended that candidates should have at least 150 hours of instruction or hands-on experience with concepts related to programming, software development, object-oriented programming, web applications, and databases.
The GMetrix ITS Software Development practice test maps directly to certification exam objectives to help you be successful in passing your ITS Certification exams.
- Core Programming Concepts
- Software Development Principles
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Web Applications
- Databases
- 3 Practice Tests
- Internet Explorer 9 or later, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari
- High-speed Internet connection
- Prior coursework or experience with ITS Software Development
The GMetrix ITS practice tests map directly to the objectives of the ITS Software Development exam.
To be successful on the test, the candidate is also expected to have the following prerequisite knowledge and skills:
- 8th-grade reading skills
- Algebra II
- JavaScript
- At least one object-oriented language (C#, Java, C++)
- SQL queries, XML, JSON
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