Programming in C++ Training

Programming in C++ Training
Programming in C++ Training Award-winning E-Learning course Extensive interactive videos with spoken text Certified teachers Practical exercises Certificate.
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Programming in C++ E-Learning
Order this amazing, award-winning Programming in C++ E-Learning course online, 1 year 24/7 access to extensive interactive videos, speeches, hands-on tasks and progress monitoring. After the course you will receive a certificate of attendance.
Course content
Class Basics
Course: 16 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Creating Classes and Objects
- Adding Private Members to Classes
- Adding Protected Members to Classes
- Adding Public Members to Classes
Class Constructors
Course: 16 Minutes
- Creating a Class Constructor
- Creating a Class Deconstructor
- Working with Overloaded Constructors
- Working with Default Constructors
Pointers and Overloading
Course: 11 Minutes
- Creating Pointers to Classes
- Creating Classes Defined with Struct
- Creating Classes Defined with Union
- Overloading Operators in Classes
Object Oriented Programming
Course: 18 Minutes
- Using the This Keyword
- Static Members of Classes
- Declaring Friend Functions
- Declaring Friend Classes
- Understanding Traditional Inheritance
- Using Multiple Inheritance
Course: 25 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Declaring and Initializing Arrays
- Accessing Array Members
- Creating Multi-dimensional Arrays
- Setting a Pointer to an Array
- Passing Arrays to Functions
- Returning Arrays from Functions
Course: 25 Minutes
- Understanding Pointers
- Declaring and Using Pointers in C++
- Using C++ Null Pointers
- Executing C++ Pointer Arithmetic
- Creating an Array of Pointers
- Passing Pointers to Functions
- Returning Pointers from Functions
STL Containers
Course: 27 Minutes
- STL Containers - Forward_list
- STL Containers - List
- STL Containers - Map
- STL Containers - Queue
- STL Containers - Set
- STL Containers - Stack
- STL Containers - Vector
Standard Template Library I/O
Course: 28 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- STL IO – Input Streams
- STL IO – Output Streams
- STL IO – Opening and Closing Files
- STL IO – Text Files
- STL IO – Binary Files
- STL IO – Stream Pointers
- STL IO – Encryption
Standard Template Library Headers
Course: 19 Minutes
- The STL chrono Header
- The STL exception Header
- The STL random Header
- The STL regex Header
- The STL string Header
- The STL tuple Header
Function and Class Templates
Course: 13 Minutes
- Declaring Function Templates
- Using Function Templates
- Declaring Class Templates
- Using Class Templates
Course: 14 Minutes
- Declaring a Namespace
- Using a Namespace
- Creating a Namespace Alias
- The STD Namespace
Structure and Operators
Course: 45 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- The C++ Program Structure
- C++ Syntax Differences From C
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational and Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Compound Assignment Operators
Basic Data Types
Course: 35 Minutes
- C++ Data Types
- Data Type Modifiers
- Working with Arrays
- Dynamically Allocated Arrays and Pointer Access
- C-style Strings
- Null Terminated Strings
Advanced Data Types
Course: 43 Minutes
- UTF-16, UTF-32, and Wide Characters
- C++ Functions
- Using Pointer
- Creating New Data Types
- C++ Enumerators
- Using Date and Time in C++
- C++ Tokens, Digraph and Trigraph Sequences
Branching and Looping
Course: 29 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- The If Statement
- The For Loop
- The While Loop
- The Do While Loop
- The Switch Statement
Course: 22 Minutes
- Default Function Arguments
- Inline Functions
- Overloaded Functions
- Pointers as Function Arguments
Variables and Memory Allocation
Course: 37 Minutes
- Nothing Statements and Scope
- Memory Allocation and Scope
- Allocating and Releasing Dynamic Memory
- Allocating and Releasing Objects
- Overloading New and Delete
Exception Handling
Course: 12 Minutes
- Using Asserts
- Handling Exceptions
I/O, Formatting and Strings
Course: 33 Minutes
- C/C++: C++ I/O Streams
- File I/O Stream Classes
- C++ Comments and Whitespace
- String Class (std:string)
- Wide String Class (std:wstring)
Course: 19 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Using Const with Function Arguments
- Using Const with Variables
- Using Const with Pointers
Course: 18 Minutes
- Using References
- References as Function Arguments
- References as Function Return Values
Tools and IDEs
Course: 27 Minutes
- Configuring C++ Toolchains in Eclipse
- C++ Projects in Eclipse
- C++ Projects in Visual Studio
- C++ and the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
Class Constructors and Destructors
Course: 19 Minutes
- The Copy Constructor
- Chaining Constructors
- Chaining Destructors
Class and Function Operations
Course: 23 Minutes
- Operator Overloading
- Objects and Function Arguments
- Virtual Functions
- Abstract and Interface Classes
Files and Command Line
Course: 23 Minutes
- The C++ Preprocessor
- Command Line Arguments
- Headers and Source Files
Language | English |
Qualifications of the Instructor | Certified |
Course Format and Length | Teaching videos with subtitles, interactive elements and assignments and tests |
Lesson duration | 9:52 Hours |
Progress monitoring | Yes |
Access to Material | 365 days |
Technical Requirements | Computer or mobile device, Stable internet connections Web browsersuch as Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge. |
Support or Assistance | Helpdesk and online knowledge base 24/7 |
Certification | Certificate of participation in PDF format |
Price and costs | Course price at no extra cost |
Cancellation policy and money-back guarantee | We assess this on a case-by-case basis |
Award Winning E-learning | Yes |
Tip! | Provide a quiet learning environment, time and motivation, audio equipment such as headphones or speakers for audio, account information such as login details to access the e-learning platform. |
"Perfect training to learn C++"
Michael on 16 Jun 2022
OEM Office Elearning Menu Top 2 in ICT-trainingen 2024!
OEM Office Elearning Menu is trots op de tweede plaats in de categorie ICT-trainingen 2024 bij Beste Opleider van Nederland (Springest/Archipel). Dank aan al onze cursisten voor hun vertrouwen!
"Perfect training to learn C++"
Michael on 16 Jun 2022