Cloud Computing Technology Training

Cloud Computing Technology Training
Bestel deze unieke E-Learning Training Cloud Computing Technology online, 1 jaar 24/ 7 toegang tot rijke interactieve video’s, voortgangs door rapportage en testen.
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- Koop 2 voor €155,82 per stuk en bespaar 2%
- Koop 3 voor €154,23 per stuk en bespaar 3%
- Koop 4 voor €152,64 per stuk en bespaar 4%
- Koop 5 voor €151,05 per stuk en bespaar 5%
- Koop 10 voor €143,10 per stuk en bespaar 10%
- Koop 25 voor €135,15 per stuk en bespaar 15%
- Koop 50 voor €127,20 per stuk en bespaar 20%
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Cloud Computing Technology E-Learning Training
Bestel deze unieke E-Learning cursus Cloud Computing Technology online. Geniet van 1 jaar 24/7 toegang tot rijke interactieve video's met spraakondersteuning, voortgangsbewaking via rapportages en hoofdstuktesten om je kennis direct te toetsen.
Waarom kiezen voor deze opleiding?
Cloud computing transformeert de manier waarop organisaties werken door schaalbaarheid, efficiëntie en flexibiliteit te bieden. Deze cursus is gebaseerd op de officiële NIST-definitie van cloud computing: 'een model voor het mogelijk maken van gemakkelijke, on-demand netwerktoegang tot een gedeelde pool van configureerbare computerbronnen (netwerken, servers, opslag, applicaties en services) die snel kunnen worden geleverd en vrijgegeven met minimale beheerinspanning of service interactie met de provider.'
Met deze training leer je:
- De voordelen van cloud computing en hoe deze kunnen worden toegepast in zakelijke applicaties.
- De verschillende cloudservicemodellen (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) en hun toepassingen.
- Cloudbeveiligingsaspecten en hoe je deze in je organisatie kunt integreren.
- Dataopslag en migratie naar de cloud, inclusief servicegeoriënteerde architectuur.
- Identiteits- en toegangsbeheer voor veilige cloudoplossingen.
De interactieve video's en praktische oefeningen bieden een solide basis in cloud computing en de ondersteunende technologieën, ideaal voor beginners en professionals die hun kennis willen uitbreiden.
Wie zou moeten deelnemen?
Deze cursus is geschikt voor:
- IT-professionals die cloudtechnologie willen begrijpen en toepassen.
- Business managers die de voordelen van cloud computing voor hun organisatie willen benutten.
- Ontwikkelaars die cloud-native applicaties willen ontwerpen en implementeren.
- Liefhebbers en studenten die een sterke basis in cloud computing willen ontwikkelen.
Cloud Computing Overview
Course: 42 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- History of Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing Key Enabling Technologies
- Definition of Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing Core Attributes
- Core Cloud Computing Service Models
- XaaS Cloud Computing Service Models
Cloud Pros and Cons
Course: 25 Minutes
- Evaluating Cloud Security
- Evaluating Cloud Services
- Cloud Service Level Agreements
- Business and Consumer Cloud Services
- Cloud Compliance and Regulatory Issues
- Barriers to Cloud Adoption
Cloud Service Models
Course: 16 Minutes
- Cloud Service Stacks
- Infrastructure as a Service
- Platform as a Service
- Software as a Service
Business Case for the Cloud
Course: 21 Minutes
- Costing the Cloud
- Cloud Deployment Models
- Cloud Costing Models
- Assessing Applications for the Cloud
Practice: Assessing the Cloud
Course: 6 Minutes
- Exercise: Choosing a Cloud Service
Understanding Virtualization
Course: 37 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Virtualization Overview
- Hardware Virtualization
- Hypervisors
- Desktop Virtualization
- Network Functions Virtualization
- Storage Virtualization
- Virtualization and the Cloud
Server Virtualization Products
Course: 11 Minutes
- x86 Server Virtualization Products
- Oracle and IBM Server Virtualization Products
Cloud Data Centers
Course: 31 Minutes
- Data Center Overview
- Data Center Function
- Cloud Data Centers
- Business Trends in Cloud Computing
- Technical Trends in Cloud Computing
- Data Center Applications
- Cloud Data Center Components
Practice: Virtualization and Data Center
Course: 3 Minutes
- Exercise: Virtualization and the Cloud Data Center
Cloud Storage Overview
Course: 25 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Storage as a Service
- STaaS Model Advantages
- STaaS Model Risks
- STaaS Providers
Cloud Storage Governance
Course: 27 Minutes
- Cloud Storage Governance Domains
- Cloud Storage Governance Issues
- Cloud Storage and Privacy Concerns
- Cloud Storage Data Classification
- Cloud Storage and Data Security
Cloud Standards
Course: 42 Minutes
- Cloud Standards
- Cloud Standards Groups
- Cloud Security Protocols
- Cloud Security Recommendations
- Cloud Protocols and Standards
- Cloud APIs
- Web Standards
Open Source and Mobile Cloud
Course: 28 Minutes
- Open Source Overview
- Open Source Cloud and N-Tier Architecture
- OpenStack Overview
- Mobile Cloud Clients
Practice: Governance and Standards
Course: 3 Minutes
- Exercise: Managing Storage, Governance, and Standards
Service Oriented Architecture
Course: 22 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Service Oriented Architecture
- SOA Benefits
- SOA and Cloud Computing
- SOA Architectures
- Grid Computing vs Cloud Computing
Analyzing Your Infrastructure
Course: 17 Minutes
- Planning Cloud Deployment
- Cloud Service Directory
- Migrating Processes and Services
- Loosely and Tightly Coupled Services
Migration Candidates
Course: 14 Minutes
- Technical Factors
- Business Factors
- Assessing Candidate Cloud Platforms
Alternatives to Public Clouds
Course: 12 Minutes
- Issues with Public Clouds
- Mitigating Public Cloud Concerns
- Private and Hybrid Clouds
Practice: Cloud Migration
Course: 2 Minutes
- Exercise: Migrating to the Cloud
Identity and Access Management
Course: 21 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Identity and Access Management Basic Concepts
- Reasons for Identity Federation
- Identity and Access Management Operational Areas
- Cloud Service Providers and IAM
Federation and Access Control
Course: 27 Minutes
- Federation Overview
- Cloud Federation Considerations
- Standards-based Federation
- Single Sign-On Overview
- Benefits and Risks of Single Sign-On
Identity as a Service
Course: 15 Minutes
- Identity as a Service Overview
- Identity as a Service Challenges
- Integrating IDaaS and Other Service Models
- IDaaS Pros and Cons
Cloud Presence
Course: 12 Minutes
- Presence Information Overview
- Presence System Components
- Presence Process and Tools
- Presence Security
Cloud Privacy
Course: 24 Minutes
- Cloud Privacy Concerns
- Privacy Policies
- Data Life Cycle
- Data Security Challenges
- Mapping Security Measures to the Data Life Cycle
Practice: Access Control and Privacy
Course: 2 Minutes
- Exercise: Controlling Access to Cloud Data
Cloud Security
Course: 28 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Information Security Objectives
- Cloud Security Challenges
- Cloud Security Models
- Information Security Standards
- Security as a Service
Security Risks
Course: 38 Minutes
- Cloud Security Risk Areas
- Assessing Cloud Service Security Offerings
- SaaS Security Challenges
- SaaS Security Best Practices
- Secure Software Development
IT Infrastructure Security
Course: 35 Minutes
- The Cloud Cube Model
- Cloud Network Infrastructure Security
- Host-level Security
- Virtualization Host Security
- Application-level Security
Securing Cloud Data
Course: 19 Minutes
- Securing Data at Rest and Data in Transit
- Cloud Security Risk Assessment
- Cloud Security SLAs
Practice: Cloud Security
Course: 3 Minutes
- Exercise: Managing Cloud Data Security
Cloud Computing Fundamentals: Cloud Virtualization & Data Centers
Course: 1 Hour, 15 Minutes
- Virtualization Overview
- Hardware Virtualization
- Hypervisors
- Desktop Virtualization
- Network Functions Virtualization
- Storage Virtualization
- Virtualization and the Cloud
- x86 Server Virtualization Products
- Oracle and IBM Server Virtualization Products
- Data Center Overview
- Data Center Function
- Cloud Data Centers
- Business Trends in Cloud Computing
- Technical Trends in Cloud Computing
- Data Center Applications
- Cloud Data Center Components
- Exercise: Virtualization and the Cloud Data Center
Cloud Computing Fundamentals: Storing & Managing Cloud Data
Course: 48 Minutes
- Storage as a Service
- STaaS Model Advantages
- STaaS Model Risks
- STaaS Providers
- Cloud Storage Governance Domains
- Cloud Storage Governance Issues
- Cloud Storage and Privacy Concerns
- Cloud Storage Data Classification
- Cloud Storage and Data Security
Cloud Computing Fundamentals: Cloud Protocols & Standards
Course: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes
- Cloud Standards
- Cloud Standards Groups
- Cloud Security Protocols
- Cloud Security Recommendations
- Cloud Protocols and Standards
- Cloud APIs
- Web Standards
- Open Source Overview
- Open Source Cloud and N-Tier Architecture
- OpenStack Overview
- Mobile Cloud Clients7
- Exercise: Managing Storage, Governance and Standards
Cloud Computing Fundamentals: Migrating to the Cloud
Course: 59 Minutes
- Service Oriented Architecture
- SOA Benefits
- SOA and Cloud Computing
- SOA Architectures
- Grid Computing vs Cloud Computing
- Planning Cloud Deployment
- Cloud Service Directory
- Migrating Processes and Services
- Loosely and Tightly Coupled Services
- Technical Factors
- Business Factors
- Assessing Candidate Cloud Platforms
- Issues with Public Clouds
- Mitigating Public Cloud Concerns
- Private and Hybrid Clouds
- Exercise: Migrating to the Cloud
Ga vandaag nog aan de slag!
Met onze E-Learning cursus krijg je:
✔️ Direct toegang tot een uitgebreide interactieve leerervaring.
✔️ 24/7 beschikbaarheid, waar en wanneer je wilt leren.
✔️ Rapportages om je voortgang te volgen en toetsen om je kennis te versterken.
Bestel nu en transformeer jouw carrière met cloud computing!
Taal | Engels |
Kwalificaties van de Instructeur | Gecertificeerd |
Cursusformaat en Lengte | Lesvideo's met ondertiteling, interactieve elementen en opdrachten en testen |
Lesduur | 14:16 uur |
Voortgangsbewaking | Ja |
Toegang tot Materiaal | 365 dagen |
Technische Vereisten | Computer of mobiel apparaat, Stabiele internetverbindingen Webbrowserzoals Chrome, Firefox, Safari of Edge. |
Support of Ondersteuning | Helpdesk en online kennisbank 24/7 |
Certificering | Certificaat van deelname in PDF formaat |
Prijs en Kosten | Cursusprijs zonder extra kosten |
Annuleringsbeleid en Geld-Terug-Garantie | Wij beoordelen dit per situatie |
Award Winning E-learning | Ja |
Tip! | Zorg voor een rustige leeromgeving, tijd en motivatie, audioapparatuur zoals een koptelefoon of luidsprekers voor audio, accountinformatie zoals inloggegevens voor toegang tot het e-learning platform. |
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