Go Programming Essentials Training

Go Programming Essentials Training
Go Programming Essentials Bekroonde E-Learning Training Uitgebreide interactieve video's met gesproken tekst Gecertificeerde docenten Praktische oefeningen Certificaat.
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Go Programming Essentials E-Learning Training
Bestel deze geweldige, bekroonde Go Programming Essentials E-Learning cursus online!
✔️ 1 jaar 24/7 toegang tot uitgebreide interactieve video's, toespraken, praktische taken en voortgangsbewaking.
✔️ Ontvang een certificaat van deelname na voltooiing van de cursus.
Waarom kiezen voor deze opleiding?
De Go-programmeertaal, ontwikkeld door Google, staat bekend om zijn eenvoud, snelheid en efficiëntie. Het is een van de snelst groeiende programmeertalen en wordt gebruikt voor het ontwikkelen van schaalbare, betrouwbare en snelle toepassingen. Deze cursus biedt je een solide basis in Go-programmering en bereidt je voor op het bouwen van robuuste softwaretoepassingen.
Wat maakt deze cursus uniek?
Praktische aanpak: Leer door middel van interactieve video's en praktijkoefeningen.
Moderne programmeertaal: Focus op een taal die ideaal is voor cloud computing, webontwikkeling en microservices.
Hoge vraag naar Go-ontwikkelaars: Krijg een voorsprong in je carrière door expertise in deze gewilde taal.
Flexibiliteit: Leer in je eigen tempo met 24/7 toegang gedurende een jaar.
In deze cursus leer je niet alleen de basisprincipes van Go, maar ook hoe je deze kunt toepassen in real-world projecten. Of je nu een ervaren programmeur bent die een nieuwe taal wil leren of een beginner die zijn programmeerkennis wil uitbreiden, deze cursus is perfect voor jou.
Wie zou moeten deelnemen?
Deze cursus is geschikt voor:
Softwareontwikkelaars die hun vaardigheden willen uitbreiden met een moderne programmeertaal.
IT-professionals die werken aan cloud-native applicaties en microservices.
Beginners die willen starten met programmeren in een eenvoudige maar krachtige taal.
Geïnteresseerden in webontwikkeling die gebruik willen maken van Go's snelheid en efficiëntie.
Of je nu een programmeerervaring hebt of net begint, deze cursus biedt waardevolle inzichten en vaardigheden die je direct kunt toepassen in je werk of projecten.
Track : 01 Go Foundation for Beginners
Getting Started with Go: Introducing Go Programming Language
Course: 1 Hour, 14 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Go Programming Language
- Differentiating Features of Go
- Go vs. Other Programming Languages
- Real World Uses of Go
- Pros and Cons of Go
- Working with the Go Playground
- Installing the Go Tools
- Installing and Configuring a Code Editor
- Configuring Go Development Environment
- Course Summary
Getting Started with Go: Getting Started with Go: Basic Programming
Course: 2 Hours, 13 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Go Program Structure and Syntax
- Supported Data Types in Go
- Declaring and Initializing Variables in Go
- Declaring and Initializing Constants in Go
- Using Operators in Go
- Working with Scoping Rules in Go
- Creating and Using Arrays in Go
- Creating and Using Slices in Go
- Working with the Map Data Type in Go
- Defining and Using Pointers in Go
- Program Flow Control in Go
- Controlling Program Flow in Go
- Working with Loops and Branches in Go
- Looping over Collections in Go
- Working with String Functions in Go
- Course Summary
Getting Started with Go: Functions & Object Orientation
Course: 1 Hour, 8 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Functions and Methods in Go
- Object Orientation in Go
- Declaring and Writing Functions in Go
- Passing Parameters to Functions in Go
- Returning Data from Functions in Go
- Working With Variadic Functions in Go
- Defining and Initializing Structs in Go
- Declaring and Writing Methods in Go
- Working with Interfaces in Go
- Creating and Interacting with Objects in Go
- Course Summary
Getting Started with Go: Error & File Handling
Course: 1 Hour, 31 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Rationale for Error Handling in Go
- Error Handling in Go
- Handling Errors in Go Programs
- Working with Package errors in Go
- Working with Custom Error Types in Go
- Using Defer, Panic, and Recover to Manage Exceptions
- Performing Basic File Operations in Go
- Reading Files into Memory in Go
- Reading Files Line by Line in Go
- Performing Directory I/O Operations in Go
- Course Summary
Track : 02 Advanced Programming in Go
Advanced Programming in Go: Deep Dive into Packages
Course: 1 Hour, 24 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Go Packages
- Rationale for Using Go Packages
- Naming Packages and Package Components
- Using Nested Packages in Go
- Declaring and Configuring Packages in Go
- Importing Packages
- Using Alternate Import Methods
- Documenting Custom Packages
- Package Best Practices
- Using the init() Function
- Working with Modules and Packages
- Course Summary
Advanced Programming in Go: Concurrency
Course: 57 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Sequential Programming Concepts
- Single Versus Multi-threaded Programming
- Concurrency and Parallelism
- Rationale for Concurrency
- Concurrency in Go
- Concurrency Primitives in Go
- Confinement Options
- Concurrency Patterns
- Using Concurrency to Improve Performance
- Course Summary
Advanced Programming in Go: Goroutines
Course: 1 Hour, 27 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Goroutines
- Creating Goroutines
- Using Closures in Goroutines
- Creating Anonymous Goroutines
- The Packages sync and sync/atomic
- Creating and Using Wait Groups
- Implementing Atomic Operations
- Using Mutexes
- Race Conditions in Goroutines
- Simulating Race Conditions
- Race Conditions vs Data Races
- Avoiding Data Race
- Detecting Race Conditions
- Course Summary
Advanced Programming in Go: Go Channels
Course: 1 Hour, 7 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Goroutines
- Creating Goroutines
- Using Closures in Goroutines
- Creating Anonymous Goroutines
- The Packages sync and sync/atomic
- Creating and Using Wait Groups
- Implementing Atomic Operations
- Using Mutexes
- Race Conditions in Goroutines
- Simulating Race Conditions
- Race Conditions vs Data Races
- Avoiding Data Race
- Detecting Race Conditions
- Course Summary
Advanced Programming in Go: Accessing Databases
Course: 1 Hour, 15 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Database Access in Go Programs
- Installing MySQL Database
- Creating a MySQL Database Using Wbench
- Accessing Databases with Go
- Performing Data Retrieval Operations with Go
- Using Prepared Statements with Go Programs
- Performing Data Manipulation Operations with Go
- Executing Transactions with Go
- Handling Errors, Nulls, and Unknown Columns with Go
- Course Summary
Advanced Programming in Go: Testing & Deploying Go Programs
Course: 1 Hour, 5 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Test Techniques for Go Programs
- Approaches to Debugging Go Programs
- Debugging Go Programs
- Using Unit Testing against a Go Program
- Measuring Test Coverage for Go Programs
- Building and Installing Go Applications On-premises
- Deploying Go Applications
- Deploying Go Applications to the Cloud
- Course Summary
Advanced Programming in Go: Best Practices for Go Programming
Course: 1 Hour, 16 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Go Programming Best Practices
- Best Practices for Organizing Go Code
- Using Best Practices for Documenting Go Programs
- Using Best Practices for Organizing Go Code
- Best Practices for Error Handling in Go Programs
- Applying Best Practices to Error Handling in Go
- Best Practices for Data Handling in Go
- Using Best Practices for Data Handling in Go
- Concurrency Best Practices in Go
- Ensuring Best Practice in Concurrent Programs
- Best Practices for Testing in Go
- Applying Best Practices to Testing in Go
- Course Summary
Track : 03 Web Programming in Go
Web Programming in Go: Web Development Basics
Course: 1 Hour, 40 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Web Development with Go
- How Web Applications Work
- The Role of HTTP in Web Development
- HTTP Requests
- Creating HTTP Requests
- HTTP Responses
- The Go httptest Package
- Web Architectures
- Structuring Go Web Applications
- Multiplexing in Go
- http.Handler Wrappers in Go
- The Go template Package
- Creating a Structured Go Application
- Course Summary
Web Programming in Go: Creating a Go Web Server
Course: 1 Hour
- Course Overview
- The Go net/http Package
- Creating a Go Web Server
- Serving Files Using HTTP
- Go Handlers
- Working with Handlers
- Working with Multiple Handlers
- Chaining Handlers
- Using ServeMux and DefaultServeMux
- The Go httprouter Library
- Routing Using the httprouter Library
- Course Summary
Web Programming in Go: HTML Forms & ResponseWriter in Go
Course: 1 Hour
- Course Overview
- HTML Forms in Go
- Working with HTML Forms
- ResponseWriter in Go
- Working with ResponseWriter
- Response Headers in Go
- Setting Response Headers
- Working with JSON Output
- Returning JSON Output
- Course Summary
Web Programming in Go: Working with Templates in Go
Course: 1 Hour, 27 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Templates in Go
- Go Template Engines
- Parsing and Executing Go Templates
- Template Actions
- Implementing Actions
- Arguments, Pipelines, and Variables
- Using Go Arguments
- Implementing Go Flags
- Using Go Variables
- Implementing Go Pipelines
- Template Functions
- Working with Functions
- Course Summary
Web Programming in Go: Data Storage in Go
Course: 47 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Data Storage in Go
- Memory Storage Using Structs
- Working with gobs
- Working with Databases
- Storing and Retrieving Data from a SQL Database
- Using SQL Mappers
Course Summary
Web Programming in Go: Web Services in Go
Course: 52 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Web Services
- SOAP and RESTful Web Services
- Implementing Web Services
- Working with XML
- Working with JSON
- Creating a RESTful Web Service with Go
- Course Summary
Ga aan de slag met Go Programming Essentials!
✔️ Leer de kernconcepten van de Go-programmeertaal, inclusief syntax, data structuren, concurrency en meer.
✔️ Krijg praktische ervaring met opdrachten en oefeningen die je helpen om Go-programmering onder de knie te krijgen.
✔️ Boost je carrière met een certificaat van deelname dat je expertise in Go-programmering aantoont.
Bestel nu jouw cursus en start vandaag nog met het leren van Go-programmering!
Taal | Engels |
Kwalificaties van de Instructeur | Gecertificeerd |
Cursusformaat en Lengte | Lesvideo's met ondertiteling, interactieve elementen en opdrachten en testen |
Lesduur | 21:23 uur |
Voortgangsbewaking | Ja |
Toegang tot Materiaal | 365 dagen |
Technische Vereisten | Computer of mobiel apparaat, Stabiele internetverbindingen Webbrowserzoals Chrome, Firefox, Safari of Edge. |
Support of Ondersteuning | Helpdesk en online kennisbank 24/7 |
Certificering | Certificaat van deelname in PDF formaat |
Prijs en Kosten | Cursusprijs zonder extra kosten |
Annuleringsbeleid en Geld-Terug-Garantie | Wij beoordelen dit per situatie |
Award Winning E-learning | Ja |
Tip! | Zorg voor een rustige leeromgeving, tijd en motivatie, audioapparatuur zoals een koptelefoon of luidsprekers voor audio, accountinformatie zoals inloggegevens voor toegang tot het e-learning platform. |
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