Hadoop Ecosystem Training

Hadoop Ecosystem Training
Bestel deze unieke E-Learning cursus Hadoop Ecosystem Training online, 1 jaar 24/ 7 toegang tot rijke interactieve video’s, voortgangs door rapportage en testen.
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- Koop 4 voor €181,44 per stuk en bespaar 4%
- Koop 5 voor €179,55 per stuk en bespaar 5%
- Koop 10 voor €170,10 per stuk en bespaar 10%
- Koop 25 voor €160,65 per stuk en bespaar 15%
- Koop 50 voor €151,20 per stuk en bespaar 20%
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Hadoop Ecosystem E-Learning Training
Bestel deze unieke E-Learning cursus vandaag nog!
✔️ 1 jaar 24/7 toegang tot rijke interactieve video's met spraakondersteuning.
✔️ Voortgangsbewaking door middel van rapporten en testen per hoofdstuk om je kennis direct te versterken.
Waarom kiezen voor deze opleiding?
Apache Hadoop is open-source software voor betaalbare supercomputing en biedt het gedistribueerde bestandssysteem en de parallelle verwerking die nodig zijn om enorme computerclusters effectief te laten draaien. Deze cursus biedt diepgaande kennis over het Hadoop-ecosysteem, inclusief de theorie, architectuur en de praktische toepassingen van de verschillende componenten.
In dit leertraject leer je:
- Hadoop Ecosysteem: ontdek de populairste componenten van Hadoop, zoals HDFS, YARN, MapReduce, en meer.
- Installatie en configuratie: leer hoe je Hadoop-componenten installeert, configureert en effectief gebruikt.
- Gebruiksscenario’s: krijg inzicht in real-world toepassingen en leer hoe je Hadoop in verschillende omgevingen inzet.
- Voorbereiding op certificeringen: deze cursus helpt je je voor te bereiden op certificeringen zoals Cloudera Certified Developer for Hadoop, HDP Certified Developer, en Cloudera Certified Administrator for Hadoop.
Met de hands-on instructies en demonstraties krijg je niet alleen theorie, maar ook de praktische vaardigheden die je nodig hebt om Hadoop effectief te gebruiken en te beheren.
Wie zou moeten deelnemen?
Deze cursus is ideaal voor:
- Hadoop-beheerders die het volledige ecosysteem willen begrijpen en beheren.
- Ontwikkelaars die Hadoop willen gebruiken voor het bouwen van toepassingen op gedistribueerde platforms.
- Data engineers die met grote hoeveelheden data werken en Hadoop willen gebruiken om deze te verwerken.
- IT-professionals die zich willen voorbereiden op de Hadoop-certificeringsexamens van Cloudera of HDP.
A Map for Big Data
Course: 10 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Mapping Big Data
- Continuing to Map Big Data
Key Terminology for Big Data
Course: 9 Minutes
- Defining Big Data
- Terms for Data
Ecosystem for Hadoop
Course: 18 Minutes
- Mapping the Big Data Stack
- Introducing Data Repository Components
- Introducing Data Refinery Components
- Introducing Data Factory Components
Theory for Hadoop
Course: 13 Minutes
- Design Principles for Hadoop
- The Principle of Sharing Nothing
- The Principle of Embracing Failure
Data Repository for Hadoop
Course: 9 Minutes
- Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
- Introducing HDFS Daemons
Data Refinery for Hadoop
Course: 12 Minutes
- Introducing Hadoop YARN
- YARN Daemons on the Master Server
- YARN Daemons on the Data Server
- Introducing MapReduce
Data Analytics
Course: 6 Minutes
- Introducing Data Analytics
Hadoop Ecosystem Complexities
Course: 7 Minutes
- Mastering the Hadoop Ecosystem
Practice: Ecosystem for Hadoop
Course: 12 Minutes
- Exercise: Identifying Hadoop Ecosystem components
Configuration of User Environments
Course: 7 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Selecting an Environment
Pre-installation for Hadoop
Course: 23 Minutes
- Creating a Development Environment
- Installing Java
- Setting up SSH
Setup of Hadoop
Course: 1 Hour, 5 Minutes
- The History of Hadoop Versions
- Setting Up Hadoop
- Installing Hadoop
- Configuring Hadoop Environment
- Configuring HDFS
- Starting and Stopping HDFS
- Configuring YARN and MapReduce
- Starting and Stopping YARN
- Stress Testing Hadoop
Operations for Hadoop
Course: 13 Minutes
- First Use of HDFS
- Introducing WordCount
- First Use of WordCount
Monitoring for Hadoop
Course: 11 Minutes
- Hadoop Web UIs
- NameNode and Resource Manager Web UIs
Troubleshooting of Hadoop Installation
Course: 22 Minutes
- Configuration Changes
- Troubleshooting Hadoop
- Troubleshooting Installation Errors
Practice: Hadoop Installation and Configuration
Course: 12 Minutes
- Exercise: Install and Configure Hadoop
Theory of HDFS
Course: 37 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Describing HDFS Data Blocks
- Describing HDFS URI
- Describing the NameNode
- NameNode in Detail
- Describing the DataNode
- Describing the Checkpoint Node
- Describing the Backup Node
Operations for HDFS
Course: 19 Minutes
- HDFS Command Categories
- HDFS Commands for Managing Data Files
- HDFS Commands for Managing Web Logs
Troubleshooting of HDFS
Course: 13 Minutes
- HDFS Administration
- HDFS Configuration
- Troubleshooting HDFS
Theory for NoSQL and RDBMS
Course: 6 Minutes
- Comparing NoSQL to RDBMS
Overview of HBase and ZooKeeper
Course: 24 Minutes
- Introducing HBase and ZooKeeper
- Installing ZooKeeper
- Installing HBase
Operation for HBase
Course: 25 Minutes
- Using the HBase Command Line
- Working with HBase Tables
- Working with HBase Data
Practice: Hadoop Distributed File System
Course: 6 Minutes
- Exercise: Identifying features of HDFS
The Purpose of Flume
Course: 15 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Defining Flume Data
- Introducing cURL
- Using cURL for Web Data
Setup of Flume
Course: 8 Minutes
- Defining Flume
- Installing Flume
Operations for Flume
Course: 17 Minutes
- Creating Flume Agents
- Describing a Flume Agent
- First Flume Agent
Sources, Sinks, and Channels
Course: 13 Minutes
- Flume Sources
- Flume Sinks
- Flume Channels
- File Channel to HDFS
Serializing Data with Avro
Course: 15 Minutes
- Avro Serialization
- Using Avro Source
- Multiple Flume Agents
Multiplex Agents for Flume
Course: 30 Minutes
- Flume Timestamps
- Timestamping with Flume
- Multiple Sources with Flume
- Multi-flow Flume Agents
- Multi-source Flume Agents
- Multiple Sinks with Flume
- Multi-sink Flume Agents
Troubleshooting of Flume
Course: 9 Minutes
- Flume Troubleshooting
- Logging to the Flume Log File
Practice: Recognize Data Repository with Flume
Course: 15 Minutes
- Exercise: Configuring Flume Agents Files
Setup of MySQL
Course: 19 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Overviewing MySQL
- Installing MySQL
- Creating a Database
- Loading Data into MySQL Tables
The Purpose of Sqoop
Course: 5 Minutes
- Overviewing Sqoop
- Architecture of Sqoop
Setup of Sqoop
Course: 8 Minutes
- Overview of Sqoop Configuration
- Installing Sqoop
Operations for Sqoop
Course: 35 Minutes
- Overview of Importing with Sqoop
- Performing a Sqoop Import
- Overview of Exporting with Sqoop
- Performing a Sqoop Export
- Sqoop and HBase
- Exporting into HBase
Troubleshooting of Sqoop
Course: 13 Minutes
- Sqoop Troubleshooting
- Correcting a Database Connect Failure
Practice: Data Repository with Sqoop
Course: 6 Minutes
- Exercise: Using Sqoop to extract data from a RDBMS
Theory for YARN
Course: 28 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Explaining Parallel Processing
- YARN Key Concepts
- YARN Resource Manager
- YARN Node Manager
- YARN ApplicationMaster
- YARN Job Failure
- YARN Configurations
Theory for Key-value Pairs
Course: 7 Minutes
- Key-Value Pairs
- MapReduce and Key-Value Pairs
Operations for MapReduce
Course: 19 Minutes
- WordCount, the Hello World of Hadoop
- MapReduce
- MapReduce Step-by-Step
First Program for MapReduce
Course: 10 Minutes
- Exploring Hadoop Classpath
- Writing a MapReduce Job
APIs for MapReduce
Course: 10 Minutes
- The Mapper Java API
- The Reducer Java API
- The Driver Java API
Second Program for MapReduce
Course: 6 Minutes
- Writing a MapReduce Job for Inventory
Streaming for MapReduce
Course: 9 Minutes
- Hadoop Streaming
- Running a Streaming Job
Practice: Using YARN and MapReduce
Course: 10 Minutes
- Exercise: Refining Data with YARN and MapReduce
The Purpose of Hive
Course: 6 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Overviewing Hive
Setup of Hive
Course: 23 Minutes
- Overview of Hive Configuration
- Installing Hive
- Using Derby for Hive
- Setting Up MySQL for Hive
Details of Hive
Course: 4 Minutes
- Hive Data Types
- Hive Operators
Operations for Hive
Course: 34 Minutes
- Hive CREATE Statements
- Hive SELECT Statements
- Hive SQL Statements
- Writing a First Hive Script
Joins and Views for Hive
Course: 10 Minutes
- Hive Joins and Views
- Joining and Viewing in Hive
Partitions and Buckets for Hive
Course: 19 Minutes
- Overview of Partitioning Hive Data
- Writing a Hive Partition Script
- Overview of Bucketing Hive Data
- Bucketing Hive Data
User-defined Functions for Hive
Course: 8 Minutes
- Hive User-defined Functions
- Create a Hive UDF
Troubleshooting for Hive
Course: 6 Minutes
- Hive Troubleshooting
- Using a Hive Explain Plan
Practice: Hive features, loading and querying
Course: 15 Minutes
- Exercise: Hive features, loading and querying
The Purpose of Pig
Course: 9 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Overviewing Pig
Setup for Pig
Course: 6 Minutes
- Overview of Pig Configuration
- Installing Pig
Details of Pig
Course: 4 Minutes
- Pig Data Types
- Pig Operators
Operations for Pig
Course: 35 Minutes
- Pig Command Line
- Pig Scripts
- First Pig Script
- Pig Filtering
- Pig Parameters and Arguments
- Pig Functions
Working with Pig Operators
Course: 28 Minutes
- Pig JOIN
User-defined Functions for Pig
Course: 10 Minutes
- Pig User-defined Functions
- Creating a Pig UDF
Troubleshooting for Pig
Course: 12 Minutes
- Pig Troubleshooting
- Debugging with Pig
Practice: Configuring and Using Pig
Course: 10 Minutes
- Exercise: Working with Pig
The World of Data
Course: 11 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- The World of Data
Flowing Data with Sqoop
Course: 37 Minutes
- Sqoop and Hive
- Loading SQL Data Tables
- Importing Data into Hive
- Sqoop and Hive Exports
- Exporting Data from Hive
- Working with Date Data Types
- Importing Datetime Stamps
- Exporting Datetime Stamps
Flowing Data with Hive
Course: 18 Minutes
- Preprocessing Data
- Cleaning with Functions
- Cleaning with Regular Expressions
Administration for the Ecosystem
Course: 39 Minutes
- Selecting Additional Ecosystem Components
- Best Practices for Pseudo-Mode
- Admin Scripts in Action
- Class Paths in Action
- Config Files in Action
Practice: Data Flow for Sqoop and Hive
Course: 10 Minutes
- Exercise: Managing Data Flow with Sqoop and Hive
Ga vandaag nog aan de slag!
✔️ Leer alles over het Hadoop-ecosysteem en hoe je de verschillende componenten effectief kunt gebruiken.
✔️ Test je kennis met praktijkgerichte toetsen na elk hoofdstuk.
✔️ Profiteer van 24/7 toegang tot de cursus, wanneer en waar je maar wilt.
Bestel nu jouw cursus en word een expert in het Hadoop-ecosysteem!
Taal | Engels |
Kwalificaties van de Instructeur | Gecertificeerd |
Cursusformaat en Lengte | Lesvideo's met ondertiteling, interactieve elementen en opdrachten en testen |
Lesduur | 21:48 uur |
Voortgangsbewaking | Ja |
Toegang tot Materiaal | 365 dagen |
Technische Vereisten | Computer of mobiel apparaat, Stabiele internetverbindingen Webbrowserzoals Chrome, Firefox, Safari of Edge. |
Support of Ondersteuning | Helpdesk en online kennisbank 24/7 |
Certificering | Certificaat van deelname in PDF formaat |
Prijs en Kosten | Cursusprijs zonder extra kosten |
Annuleringsbeleid en Geld-Terug-Garantie | Wij beoordelen dit per situatie |
Award Winning E-learning | Ja |
Tip! | Zorg voor een rustige leeromgeving, tijd en motivatie, audioapparatuur zoals een koptelefoon of luidsprekers voor audio, accountinformatie zoals inloggegevens voor toegang tot het e-learning platform. |
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