Oracle Database 12c RAC and Grid Infrastructure exam 1Z0-068 Training

Oracle Database 12c RAC and Grid Infrastructure exam 1Z0-068 Training
Training Oracle Database 12c RAC and Grid Infrastructure exam 1Z0-068 - Online E-Learning training. Bestellen en direct starten voor de beste prijs.
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Oracle Database 12c RAC and Grid Infrastructure exam 1Z0-068 Training - OEM Certkit
De training Oracle Database 12c RAC and Grid Infrastructure exam 1Z0-068 via een speciaal certificeringspakket. 1 jaar toegang tot revolutionaire E-Learning om het examen gemakkelijk te halen. Train met gecertificeerde docenten in een veilig leerportaal (LMS). Inclusief 24/7 Online Mentor, uitdagende testen en bekijk alle tips & tricks.
Gegarandeerd altijd het officiele proefexamen en na de training een certificaat van deelname. Optioneel Livelabs (meerprijs).
Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) is een geclusterde versie van de Oracle Database die hoge beschikbaarheid, schaalbaarheid en flexibiliteit biedt. Dit leertraject behandelt de architectuur, installatie, onderhoud en afstemming van Oracle Database 12c RAC, essentiële vaardigheden voor DBA's die hoog beschikbare Oracle-systemen ondersteunen en behandelt een deel van de doelstellingen voor examen 1Z0-068 Oracle Database 12c: RAC en Grid Infrastructure.
Overview of Oracle Grid Infrastructure
Course: 28 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Clusters and Clusterware
- Oracle Clusterware
- Clusterware Architecture and Cluster Services
- Overview of Grid Plug and Play Architecture
- Grid Plug and Play and Cluster Node Startup
- Grid Naming Service
- Single-client Access Name
Oracle Automatic Storage Management
Course: 28 Minutes
- Oracle ASM
- ASM CloudFS and ACFS
- ASM Features and Benefits
- Grid Infrastructure Software Installation – Part 1
- Grid Infrastructure Software Installation – Part 2
Oracle RAC Database Architecture
Course: 38 Minutes
- Oracle RAC Overview
- Typical Oracle RAC Architecture
- Oracle RAC One Node
- Cluster-aware Storage
- Oracle RAC and Network Connectivity
- Benefits of Using Oracle RAC
- Clusters and Scalability
- RAC Hardware Requirements
- Necessity of Global Resources
- Parallel Execution with RAC
Practice: Grid Infrastructure Installation
Course: 8 Minutes
- Exercise: Install and Configure a New Cluster
Installing and Configuring Oracle RAC
Course: 34 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Installing the Oracle Database Software
- Creating the Cluster Database Step 1 to
- Creating the Cluster Database Step 4 to
- Creating the Cluster Database Step 9 to
- Background Processes Specific to Oracle RAC
- Single Instance-to-RAC Conversion
- Single-instance Conversion Steps
Upgrading and Patching Oracle RAC
Course: 33 Minutes
- Overview of Patching
- Finding and Downloading Patches
- Rolling Patches
- Out-of-Place Upgrades
- OPatch Overview
- OPatch: General Usage
- OPatch Automation
- OPatch Debugging
Oracle RAC One Node
Course: 25 Minutes
- Oracle RAC One Node Overview
- Creating an Oracle RAC One Node Database
- Oracle RAC One Node Online Relocation
- Performing an Online Relocation
- Converting a RAC One Node Database to RAC
- Converting to RAC One Node
Practice: Converting Single-instance to RAC
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Convert a Single-instance Database to RAC
Administering RAC with Enterprise Manager
Course: 19 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Enterprise Manager Cluster Database Home Page
- EM Cluster Database Instance Home Page
- Enterprise Manager Cluster Home Page
- Monitoring RAC with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
- Enterprise Manager Database Express
General RAC Administration
Course: 42 Minutes
- Redo Log Files and RAC
- Automatic Undo Management
- Starting and Stopping RAC Instances
- Starting and Stopping Pluggable Databases in RAC
- Switching Between Automatic and Manual Policies
- Quiescing RAC Databases
- Managing Sessions in RAC
- How SQL*Plus Commands Affect Instances
- Transparent Data Encryption and Keystores in RAC
Initialization Parameters in Oracle RAC
Course: 21 Minutes
- RAC Initialization Parameter Files
- SPFILE Parameter Values and RAC
- Enterprise Manager and SPFILE Parameter Values
- RAC Initialization Parameters
- Parameters That Require Identical Settings
Practice: RAC Administration Tasks
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Change a Static Parameter Value
Instance Recovery in Oracle RAC
Course: 13 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- RAC and Instance Recovery Overview
- Instance Recovery and Database Availability
- Faster Instance Recovery
Backup and Recovery for RAC
Course: 20 Minutes
- Protecting Against Media Failure
- Media Recovery in Oracle RAC
- Parallel Recovery in RAC
- RAC and the Fast Recovery Area
- RAC Backup and Recovery Using Enterprise Manager
- Configuring RAC Backup Settings with EM
Oracle Recovery Manager
Course: 22 Minutes
- Oracle Recovery Manager Overview
- Configuring RMAN for RAC
- Cross-checking on Multiple RAC Clusters Nodes
- Channel Connections to Cluster Instances
- Distribution of Backups and RMAN Autolocation
Managing Archived Redo Log Files
Course: 18 Minutes
- Archived Redo Log Configuration in Oracle RAC
- Managing Archived Redo Logs Using RMAN
- Non-cluster File System Local Archiving Scheme
- ASM and Cluster File System Archiving Scheme
- Restoring and Recovering Archived Log Files
Practice: Using RMAN
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Configure RMAN
Global Resource Management Concepts
Course: 16 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Global Resource Directory
- Global Resource Management
- Global Resource Remastering and Recovery
Global Enqueue Management
Course: 12 Minutes
- Global Enqueue Management Overview
- Global Enqueues
- Instance Locks
Global Cache Management
Course: 41 Minutes
- Global Cache Management Overview
- Global Cache Buffer States
- Global Cache Management Single Block Reads
- Read-from-Disk Cache Fusion Scenario
- Read-write Cache Fusion Scenario
- Write-write Cache Fusion Scenario
- Write-read Cache Fusion Scenario
- Global Cache Management Multi-block Reads
Practice: Cache Fusion
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Explore Cache Fusion Using Views
RAC Database Monitoring and Tuning
Course: 46 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- RAC Tuning Overview
- Analyzing Cache Fusion Impact in RAC
- Wait Events for RAC
- Global Cache Wait Events
- Global Enqueue Waits
- Common RAC Tuning Tips
- Index Block Contention Considerations
- High-water Mark Considerations
- Other RAC Tuning Considerations
Monitoring with Enterprise Manager
Course: 25 Minutes
- Enterprise Manager Monitoring Overview
- Cluster Database Performance Page
- Cluster Database Performance Page Throughput
- Accessing the Cluster Cache Coherency Page
- Additional Monitoring Links
- EM Database Express Performance Hub
Built In Database Tuning Tools
Course: 23 Minutes
- AWR Snapshots and RAC
- AWR Reports and RAC
- Active Session History Reports for RAC
- Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor for RAC
- ADDM-specific RAC Diagnostics
Practice: Monitoring with Enterprise Manager
Course: 6 Minutes
- Exercise: Diagnose Database Performance with EM
High Availability for Client Connections
Course: 48 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Types of Workload Distribution
- Fast Application Notification Overview
- Implementing FAN Events
- FAN Events
- Server-side Callouts Implementation
- Oracle Notification Services
- Fast Connection Failover
- Load Balancing Advisory
- Connection Load Balancing in RAC
Transparent Application Failover
Course: 17 Minutes
- Transparent Application Failover Overview
- Transparent Application Failover Basic Configuration
- Transparent Application Failover Preconnect
Ensuring Application Continuity
Course: 19 Minutes
- Transaction Guard Overview
- Using Transaction Guard
- Application Continuity Overview
- Using Application Continuity
Quality of Service Overview
Course: 14 Minutes
- QoS Management Overview
- QoS Management Focus and Benefits
- QoS Management Functional Overview and Architecture
Quality of Service Management
Course: 38 Minutes
- Overview of Policy Sets
- Server Pools
- Performance Classes
- Performance Policies
- Performance Objectives
- Other Performance Policy Components
- Overview of Metrics
- QoS Management Recommendations
Practice: Configuring Load Balancing and TAF
Course: 7 Minutes
- Exercise: Configure and Test Load Balancing and TAF
Overview of Services in RAC
Course: 16 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Oracle Services Overview
- Service Characteristics
- Default Services and Restricted Service Registration
Managing Services
Course: 34 Minutes
- Creating and Managing Services in Enterprise Manager
- Creating and Managing Services with SRVCTL
- Services and Client Connections
- Services and Transparent Application Failover
- Using Services with the Resource Manager
- Using Services with the Scheduler
- Using Distributed Transactions with RAC
Service Monitoring
Course: 23 Minutes
- Service Thresholds and Alerts
- Service Aggregation and Tracing
- Enterprise Manager Top Services Performance Page
- Service Aggregation Configuration
- Service Performance Views
Multitenant Architecture and RAC
Course: 44 Minutes
- Multitenant Architecture Overview
- Container Database in a Non-RAC Environment
- CDB Terminology and Data Dictionary Views
- Connection to a Non-RAC CDB
- Oracle RAC and Multitenant Configuration
- Creating a RAC Container Database (CDB)
- Managing a Container Database (CDB)
- Managing Services
- Adding and Dropping a PDB
Practice: Managing Services
Course: 4 Minutes
- Exercise: Create a New Service
MeasureUp Exam Simulation
Verfijn uw testvaardigheden met MeasureUp Exam Simulation, een geavanceerde tool die u een realistische examenervaring biedt. Oefen met nauwkeurig gemodelleerde vragen die de werkelijke examens nabootsen, zodat u kunt wennen aan de structuur en de druk. Met MeasureUp bereid u niet alleen voor op uw examen, u verhoogt ook uw kansen op succes.
- 130+ questions
Online Mentor
De online mentor kan al je specifieke technische vragen beantwoorden via chat of e-mail met betrekking tot je studie.
Online Mentor is 90 dagen of 365 dagen actief - na activering!
Tips, Tricks & Links
Maak gebruik van onze uitgebreide verzameling tips, trucs en links die speciaal zijn ontworpen om jouw voorbereiding op certificeringsexamens te ondersteunen. Deze resources bieden waardevolle inzichten en beproefde strategieën om je studie effectiever te maken. Versterk je leerervaring en benader je examens met vertrouwen!
Lesduur | 13:31 uur |
Taal | Engels |
Certificaat van deelname | Ja |
Online toegang | 365 dagen |
Voortgangsbewaking | Ja |
Award Winning E-learning | Ja |
Geschikt voor mobiel | Ja |
Aanschaf | Eenmalig bedrag |
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