Google Associate Cloud Engineer Training

Google Associate Cloud Engineer Training
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Google Associate Cloud Engineer 2024 E-Learning Training
Bestel deze unieke cursus E-Learning Google Associate Cloud Engineer 2024 online!
✔️ 1 jaar 24/7 toegang tot rijke interactieve video's, spraak, voortgangsbewaking door middel van rapporten en testen per hoofdstuk om je kennis direct te testen.
Waarom kiezen voor deze opleiding?
De rol van een Cloud Engineer wordt steeds belangrijker in de moderne IT-wereld, en de Google Associate Cloud Engineer 2024 training bereidt je voor op het werken met de Google Cloud Platform (GCP) om cloudgebaseerde infrastructuur te beheren, onderhouden en beveiligen. Dit leertraject biedt de essentiële vaardigheden die nodig zijn om als Associate Cloud Engineer aan de slag te gaan, met een sterke focus op de Google Cloud Services, waaronder computermogelijkheden, opslag, netwerken en beveiliging.
Wat je zult leren:
- Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Begrijp de basisprincipes van GCP en leer over de beschikbare diensten en producten.
- Infrastructuur en Netwerken: Leer hoe je compute-instanties en netwerken configureert en beheert in de Google Cloud-omgeving.
- Cloud Security: Krijg inzicht in het implementeren van beveiligingsmaatregelen en best practices voor veilige cloudomgevingen.
- Automatisering en Beheer: Ontdek hoe je taken kunt automatiseren met tools zoals Google Cloud SDK, en leer hoe je cloudresources efficiënt beheert en opschaalt.
- Monitoring en Prestaties: Leer over het bewaken van cloudomgevingen en het verbeteren van prestaties met behulp van GCP-monitoringtools.
Deze cursus bereidt je voor op het Google Associate Cloud Engineer examen en geeft je de praktische ervaring die nodig is om succesvol als cloud engineer te werken.
Wie zou moeten deelnemen?
Deze opleiding is geschikt voor:
- IT-professionals die hun carrière willen uitbreiden naar cloudtechnologieën en specifiek willen werken met Google Cloud Platform.
- Netwerk- en systeembeheerders die ervaring willen opdoen in cloudbeheer en -beheer op GCP.
- DevOps-engineers die cloudinfrastructuur willen automatiseren en beheren met behulp van GCP-tools.
- Cloud engineers in opleiding die hun kennis en vaardigheden willen verbeteren om gecertificeerd Google Cloud Engineer te worden.
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Google Cloud Overview
Course: 1 Hour, 7 Minutes
- Course Overview
- The Google Cloud Platform
- Google Cloud Services
- Signing Up for Google Cloud
- Navigating the Google Cloud Console
- Quotas and Limits
- Installing the gcloud Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Using the GCP Pricing Calculator
- Configuring Billing
- Establishing Billing Budgets and Alerts
- Linking Projects to a Billing Account
- Setting Up Billing Exports
- Course Summary
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Google Cloud Management
Course: 1 Hour, 12 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Google Cloud Management Interfaces
- Working with the gcloud CLI
- Working with the Google Cloud Shell
- Working with the Google Cloud SDK
- Using Cloud Tools for Visual Studio
- Using Cloud Tools for PowerShell
- Roles and Permissions
- The Google Cloud Resource Manager
- Cloud Marketplace
- Deploying Cloud Marketplace
- Google Cloud Operations Suite
- Working with Google Cloud Operations Suite
- Course Summary
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Managing Google Cloud Projects
Course: 1 Hour, 42 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Projects in Google Cloud
- Creating Projects in Google Cloud
- Configuring Projects in Google Cloud
- Moving Projects
- Migrating Projects Between Organizations
- Managing Cloud Organizations in Google Cloud
- Using Labels and Tags in Google Cloud
- Google Cloud Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
- Enabling APIs in a Google Cloud Project
- Managing, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting APIs in Google Cloud
- Google Cloud Client Libraries
- Managing Google Cloud Folders
- Google Cloud Folder Roles and Permissions
- Setting up Users with Cloud Identity
- Google Cloud Resource Hierarchy
- Creating a Resource Hierarchy in Google Cloud
- Using Resource Manager Audit Logs
- Managing Organizational Resources
- Course Summary
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Planning & Configuring Network Resources
Course: 1 Hour, 19 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Load Balancing in Google Cloud
- Selecting a Load Balancer
- Identifying Load Balancing Components
- Managing Cloud Load Balancing Access Control
- Running and Scaling Services Using an Internal HTTP Load Balancer
- Running and Scaling Services Using an External HTTP Load Balancer
- Running and Scaling Services Using an Internal UDP Load Balancer
- Using a Network Load Balancer to Distribute Traffic Within a Region
- Distributing SSL Traffic from an External SSL Proxy
- Distributing TCP Traffic from an External TCP Proxy
- Distributing Traffic on Back-end Instances
- Utilizing Resource Location Services
- Using Cloud DNS and Cloud NAT5
- Setting up a Domain and DNS Record with Cloud DNS
- Course Summary
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Compute Options & Organization Policy
Course: 50 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Managing Compute Options in Google Cloud
- Planning Compute Resources
- Selecting Appropriate Compute Choices
- The Organization Policy Service
- Creating and Managing Organization Policies
- Applying Organization Policies to the Resource Hierarchy
- Managing Constraints
- Policy Hierarchy Evaluation
- Setting Organization Policy with Tags
- Course Summary
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Users, Roles, & Groups
Course: 1 Hour, 16 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Identity Management in Google Cloud
- Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Security Architecture
- User Identities
- Roles and Permissions in Google Cloud
- Google Cloud Identity
- Granting Roles in the Google Cloud console
- Granting Roles Using Client Libraries
- Granting IAM Roles in a Project
- Adding Users
- Groups in Google Cloud
- Creating, Managing and Adding Users to a Group
- Course Summary
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Cloud Storage
Course: 1 Hour, 34 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Cloud Storage
- Choosing Cloud Storage Options
- Loading and Exporting Data with BigQuery
- Cloud Spanner Best Practices
- Cloud Bigtable
- Dataproc
- Virtual Machine Storage Options
- Cloud Storage Best Practices
- Cloud Storage Buckets
- Storage Bucket Naming Guidelines
- Identifying Storage Bucket Locations
- Domain-named Buckets
- Using Google Cloud Console to Create a Storage Bucket
- Creating a Storage Bucket Using gsutil
- Course Summary
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Google Cloud Run and App Engine
Course: 1 Hour, 4 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Google Cloud Run and App Engine
- Installing SDKs for Google App Engine
- Setting up a Google Cloud Run Environment
- Features and Use Cases of Google Cloud Functions
- Deploying to App Engine in Google Cloud
- Deploying to Google Cloud Run
- Deploying Google Cloud Functions
- Deploying an App that Receives Events and Triggers
- Working with Pub/Sub Notifications
- Course Summary
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Working with Cloud Run and App Engine
Course: 1 Hour, 15 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Fully Managed Cloud Run vs. Cloud Run for Anthos
- Updating Versions of Apps to the App Engine
- Using Traffic Splitting
- Routing Traffic to a Target Version
- Mapping Custom Domains
- Securing Custom Domains with SSL
- Managing App Resources
- Updating Scaling Configurations
- Scaling Parameters for Autoscaling Instances
- Creating and Viewing Cloud Run Services
- Viewing Cloud Run Revisions
- Course Summary
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Course: 1 Hour, 44 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- Creating VPC Networks
- Creating VPCs with Subnets
- Launching Instances with Custom Network Configurations
- Configuring Private Google Access
- Assigning VPC Network Tags
- Creating and Managing Routes for VPC Networks
- Creating Ingress and Egress Firewalls for a VPC
- Using Cloud VPN
- Working with the Cloud Foundation Toolkit
- Adding Subnets to an Existing VPC5
- Using gcloud to Expand a Subnet
- Reserving Static IP Addresses
- Course Summary
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Managing Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Course: 1 Hour, 11 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- User Identities in Google Cloud
- Allow and Deny Policies in Google IAM
- Basic, Predefined, and Custom Roles
- Viewing IAM Role Assignments
- Creating IAM Custom Roles
- Managing Custom Roles in Google Cloud
- Managing Google IAM Roles
- Identity Federation for Google Cloud
- Using Workload Identity Federation
- Course Summary
Ga aan de slag met Google Associate Cloud Engineer 2024!
✔️ Leer op je eigen tempo met interactieve video's, hands-on lab-oefeningen en praktische opdrachten.
✔️ Test je kennis per hoofdstuk met gerichte toetsen en voortgangsbewaking.
✔️ Krijg de vaardigheden om cloudinfrastructuren te beheren en onderhouden op Google Cloud Platform.
✔️ Ontvang een certificaat van deelname na succesvolle afronding van de cursus.
Bestel nu jouw cursus en zet de eerste stap naar een succesvolle carrière als Google Cloud Engineer!
Taal | Engels |
Kwalificaties van de Instructeur | Gecertificeerd |
Cursusformaat en Lengte | Lesvideo's met ondertiteling, interactieve elementen en opdrachten en testen |
Lesduur | 20 uur |
Voortgangsbewaking | Ja |
Toegang tot Materiaal | 365 dagen |
Technische Vereisten | Computer of mobiel apparaat, Stabiele internetverbindingen Webbrowserzoals Chrome, Firefox, Safari of Edge. |
Support of Ondersteuning | Helpdesk en online kennisbank 24/7 |
Certificering | Certificaat van deelname in PDF formaat |
Prijs en Kosten | Cursusprijs zonder extra kosten |
Annuleringsbeleid en Geld-Terug-Garantie | Wij beoordelen dit per situatie |
Award Winning E-learning | Ja |
Tip! | Zorg voor een rustige leeromgeving, tijd en motivatie, audioapparatuur zoals een koptelefoon of luidsprekers voor audio, accountinformatie zoals inloggegevens voor toegang tot het e-learning platform. |
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