Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer DP-600 Training

Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer DP-600 Training
Bestel nu online de Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer DP-600 Training , inclusief 1 jaar 24/7 toegang tot interactieve e-learning, en een deelnamecertificaat.
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- Microsoft
- Kortingen:
- Koop 2 voor €293,02 per stuk en bespaar 2%
- Koop 3 voor €290,03 per stuk en bespaar 3%
- Koop 5 voor €278,07 per stuk en bespaar 7%
- Koop 10 voor €269,10 per stuk en bespaar 10%
- Koop 25 voor €254,15 per stuk en bespaar 15%
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- Voor 17:00 uur besteld! Start vandaag. Gratis Verzending.
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Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer DP-600 Training - OEM Certkit
- Taal: Engels
- Doelgroep: doelgroep voor deze cursus zijn personen die de grondbeginselen van dataBasics-concepten in een cloudomgeving willen leren, basisvaardigheden in clouddataservices willen verwerven en hun basiskennis van clouddataservices binnen Microsoft Azure willen opbouwen.
- Vereiste kennisniveau: enige basiskennis van computer- en internetconcepten
- Cursusduur: 17:11 uur (afhankelijk van persoonlijke snelheid)
- Online toegang: 24/7, 365 dagen na activatie
- Award Winning E-learning
- Contact met docent per mail en chat (Online Mentor)
- Volledige training voor het officiële Examen
- Gebruikersvriendelijke omgeving
- Inclusief Certificaat van Deelname
Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer DP-600 training
De Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer DP-600-training wordt aangeboden als onderdeel van een speciaal certificeringspakket. Dit pakket biedt een jaar lang toegang tot een geavanceerde E-Learning-omgeving, waarmee het behalen van het examen gemakkelijker wordt. U krijgt training van gecertificeerde docenten via een veilig leerportaal (LMS). Het pakket omvat tevens een 24/7 Online Mentor, uitdagende toetsen en de mogelijkheid om alle tips & tricks te bekijken.
Daarnaast is het officiële proefexamen altijd gegarandeerd beschikbaar, en ontvangt u na de training een certificaat van deelname. Als extra optie kunt u kiezen voor Livelabs (tegen een meerprijs).
- In this course, you will learn to:
- Get started with Microsoft Fabric
- Implement a Lakehouse with Microsoft Fabric
- Ingest data with Microsoft Fabric
- Implement a data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
- Work with semantic models in Microsoft Fabric
Who should attend:
The primary audience for this course is data professionals with experience in data modeling and analytics. DP-600 is designed for
CertKit content:
- E-learning courses (26 hours +):
Microsoft Fabric: Getting Started and the DP-600 Exam
Course: 23 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Introducing Microsoft Fabric
- The DP-600 Fabric Analytics Associate Certification
- Setting Up a Fabric Free Trial Account
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Introducing Data Warehouses
Course: 1 Hour, 49 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Data Lakehouses and Data Warehouses
- Power BI Datamarts and KQL Databases
- Choosing Between Lakehouses and Warehouses
- Ingesting Data Into Warehouses
- Transforming, Modeling, Querying, and Visualizing Data
- Upload Data to ADLS Gen2 and Create a Data Warehouse
- Create a Table and Generate a SAS Token to Load Data
- Using COPY INTO to Bulk Load Data in Fabric
- Tolerating Errors in Bulk Load Using COPY INTO
- Running T-SQL Queries on Data Warehouses
- Performing DDL and DML Operations on Warehouses
- SQL Queries Supported in a Fabric Warehouse
- Database Mirroring in Fabric
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Monitoring Fabric Warehouses
Course: 57 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Monitoring and Optimizing Warehouses
- Using the Fabric Capacity Metrics App
- Using Query Activity to Monitor Queries
- Monitor Connections, Sessions, and Requests Using DMVs
- Extract Insights by Joining Dynamic Management Views
- Monitoring Warehouses Using Query Insights
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Implementing Security in Fabric Warehouses
Course: 1 Hour, 54 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Security Features in Warehouses
- Assigning Workspace Roles
- Using GRANT, DENY, and REVOKE to Manage Object-Level Permissions
- Adhering to the Principle of Least Privilege
- Configuring Column-Level Security
- Configuring Row-Level Security
- Executing Operations Supported When Row-Level Security Is Applied
- Altering Row-Level Security
- Applying Dynamic Data Masking
- Viewing Unmasked Data as a Contributor
- Advanced Query Constructs in Warehouses
- Creating and Querying Views in Warehouse Tables
- Creating and Invoking Functions in Warehouse Tables
- Creating and Executing Stored Procedures in Warehouse Tables
- Constructing and Executing Dynamic Queries in Fabric
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Getting Started with Semantic Models
Course: 2 Hours, 2 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Semantic Models in Fabric
- Working with Semantic Models
- Import and DirectQuery Storage Modes
- Direct Lake and Composite Storage Modes
- Table Relationships in Semantic Models
- The Star Schema
- Normalized and Denormalized Data
- Star Schema vs. Snowflake Schema
- Creating Fact and Dimension Tables
- Setting Up Semantic Modeling of a Star Schema
- Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs)
- Creating Hierarchies in Models
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Semantic Models and Semantic Link
Course: 53 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Creating a Semantic Model with a Lakehouse Table
- Viewing Columns Stored in Memory in Direct Lake Mode
- Large Semantic Models
- Security for Semantic Models
- Using Semantic Link to Identify Relationships and Relationship Violations
- Evaluating Measures and Finding Dependencies
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Getting Started with DAX Queries
Course: 1 Hour, 35 Minutes
- Course Overview
- DAX Features
- DAX in Microsoft Fabric
- DAX Studio
- Installing and Setting Up DAX Studio
- DAX Calculated Columns and Measures
- DAX Expressions and Queries
- Running Basic DAX Queries
- Writing Results to Files, the Clipboard, and a Linked Excel File
- Creating and Evaluating Measures
- Computing Measures, Aggregations, and Filters in DAX Studio
- Using the CALCULATE Function to Create Measures
- Integrating CALCULATE with the FILTER and ALL Functions
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Advanced DAX Queries and Tools to Manage Semantic Models
Course: 1 Hour, 51 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Iterators in DAX
- Performing Multi-Column Operations Using Iterators
- DAX Variables
- Reusing Computations with Variables
- Information Functions in DAX
- Using Information Functions for Data Validation and Error Handling
- DAX Time Intelligence and Table Filter Functions
- Window Functions in DAX
- Applying Window Functions
- DAX Modeling Time-Savers
- Tabular Editor
- Performance Analyzer
- Best Practice Analyzer (BPA)
- VertiPaq Analyzer
- ALM Toolkit
- SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Administration, T-SQL, and Data Analytics
Course: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Fabric Administration
- Fabric Workspace Roles and Permissions
- The Admin Portal and Tenant Settings
- Microsoft Fabric Capacities
- Git Integration in Fabric
- Deployment Pipelines for Fabric Workspaces
- Power BI File Formats
- Transact-SQL (T-SQL)
- Standard SQL vs. T-SQL
- Supported Operations in T-SQL
- T-SQL in Fabric Lakehouses and Warehouses
- Unsupported T-SQL Constructs in Fabric Warehouses
- Useful T-SQL Constructs
- Data Profiling
- Descriptive and Diagnostic Analytics
- Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: OneLake, KQL, and KQL DB
Course: 1 Hour, 7 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Changes to the DP-600 Curriculum
- OneLake Features
- The Fabric Real-Time Hub
- Introducing KQL and KQL DB
- Basic KQL and KQL Concepts
- Ingesting Data into KQL Databases
- Transforming, Querying, and Analyzing Data in KQL
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Working with Data Lakehouses
Course: 2 Hours, 13 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Structured, Unstructured, and Semi-structured Data
- Data Warehouses for Structured Data
- Data Lakes vs. Data Warehouses
- Data Lakehouses
- Creating a Data Lakehouse
- Loading Data Into a Delta Table
- Running SQL Queries and Visual Queries
- Creating Spark Notebooks and Data Lakehouses
- Features, Benefits, and Drawbacks of Data Lakes
- OneLake in Microsoft Fabric
- Delta Lakes and Delta Tables
- Data Lakehouses in Microsoft Fabric
- Creating Visual Queries and Using Power Query Editor
- Analyzing Query Folding and M-language Expressions
- Creating Power BI Reports in a Lakehouse
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Spark & the Capacity Metrics App for Lakehouses
Course: 1 Hour, 58 Minutes
- Course Overview
- A Quick Overview of Spark
- The T-SQL Endpoint & Semantic Models
- Data Lakehouse Shortcuts
- Creating a Shortcut in Fabric
- Creating Dynamic Shortcuts in Fabric
- Creating OneLake Shortcuts for Amazon S3 Buckets
- Apache Spark in Microsoft Fabric
- Working with Lakehouses, Notebooks, & Spark Commands
- Grouping & Aggregating in SparkSQL & PySpark
- Parquet, JSON Files, & Delta Tables Dataframes
- The Fabric Capacity Metrics App
- Installing the Microsoft Fabric Capacity Metrics App
- Using the Microsoft Fabric Capacity Metrics App
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Spark Configuration & Delta Tables
Course: 1 Hour, 48 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Creating Python Scripts for Batch Jobs
- Creating and Monitoring Spark Batch Jobs
- The Spark History Server & Scheduling Spark Jobs
- Configuring Starter Pools & High Concurrency
- Creating & Using Custom Spark Pools & Environments
- Viewing Versions & History of Delta Tables
- Time Travelling with Delta Tables
- Managed & External Delta Tables
- Creating Managed Delta Tables from Spark
- Creating External Delta Tables from Spark
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: The Medallion Architecture with a Star Schema
Course: 1 Hour, 23 Minutes
- Course Overview
- The Medallion Architecture
- The Star Schema in Semantic Models
- The Bronze Layer in the Medallion Architecture
- Moving from the Bronze Layer to the Silver Layer
- Outlining the Architecture of the Gold Layer
- Moving from the Silver Layer to the Gold Layer
- Gold Layer Semantic Models & Power BI Reports
- Partitioning and Table Maintenance
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Data Transformations Using Dataflow Gen2
Course: 1 Hour, 54 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Microsoft Fabric Data Factory
- Dataflow Gen
- Power Query in Dataflow Gen
- Creating a Data Flow and Connecting to Data Sources
- Removing Duplicates and Replacing Values
- Performing Mathematical Transformations, Filtering Rows, and Removing Columns
- Merging Data and Publishing the Data Flow
- Exporting and Importing Data Flow Templates
- Dataflow Gen2 Fast Copy
- Dataflow Gen2 Staging
- Requiring Fast Copy for Data Transfers
- Utilizing Automatic Fast Copy When Thresholds Are Met
- Exploring Supported Transformations in Fast Copy
- Enabling Staging for Fast Copy
- Connectors for Dataflow Gen
- Incremental Refresh in Dataflow Gen
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Creating and Using Simple Data Pipelines
Course: 1 Hour, 11 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Data Pipelines and Activities
- Copy Activity
- Script Activity
- Stored Procedures, Notebook, and Spark Job Definition Activities
- Data Flow Activity
- Configuring a Notebook Activity in a Pipeline
- Configuring Pipelines with the Notebook, Data Flow, and Send Email Activities
- Running a Complete Pipeline and Monitoring Historical Runs
- Configuring Emails for Pipeline Success, Completion, and Failure
- Course Summary
Microsoft Fabric: Working with Complex Data Pipelines
Course: 1 Hour, 44 Minutes
- Course Overview
- Data Pipeline Monitoring
- Loading and Merging Data
- Implementing a Script Activity and Enabling Logging for the Activity
- Configuring Pipelines with Script and Stored Procedure Activities
- Configuring If Conditions in Pipelines
- Testing the Pipeline with If Conditions
- Configuring and Running the ForEach Activity in a Pipeline
- Setting Up Source and Watermark Tables for Incremental Loading
- Configuring the Lookup Activities for Watermarks
- Configuring the If Condition to Load New Data If Present
- Performing Incremental Loading of Data Using Scheduled Pipelines
- Using the Copy Assistant to Load Data into a Partitioned Table
- Dataflow Gen2 vs. Data Pipelines
- Course Summary
Lab: Enforce model security
Who should attend
Deze training is ontworpen voor individuen die de basisprincipes van dataconcepten in een cloudomgeving willen leren, praktische vaardigheden willen opdoen in de cloud-dataservices van Microsoft Fabric, en een sterke basis willen leggen in databeheer en analysemogelijkheden die worden geboden door Microsoft Azure. De DP-600-training richt zich op het ontwikkelen van expertise in het beheren van dataopslag, integratie en transformatie binnen Microsoft Fabric, en bereidt je voor op succes als Analytics Engineer.
MeasureUp Exam Simulation
Verfijn je testvaardigheden met MeasureUp Exam Simulation, een geavanceerde tool die je een realistische examenervaring biedt. Oefen met nauwkeurig gemodelleerde vragen die de werkelijke examens nabootsen, zodat je kunt wennen aan de structuur en de druk. Met MeasureUp bereid je je niet alleen voor op je examen, je verhoogt ook je kansen op succes.
- 120+ questions
Online Mentor
De online mentor kan al je specifieke technische vragen beantwoorden via chat of e-mail met betrekking tot je studie.
Online Mentor is 90 dagen of 365 dagen actief - na activering!
Tips, Tricks & Links
Maak gebruik van onze uitgebreide verzameling tips, trucs en links die speciaal zijn ontworpen om jouw voorbereiding op certificeringsexamens te ondersteunen. Deze resources bieden waardevolle inzichten en beproefde strategieën om je studie effectiever te maken. Versterk je leerervaring en benader je examens met vertrouwen!
Taal | Engels |
Kwalificaties van de Instructeur | Gecertificeerd |
Cursusformaat en Lengte | Lesvideo's met ondertiteling, interactieve elementen en opdrachten en testen |
MeasureUp Examensimulatie | Ingebrepen |
Online Virtuele labs | Ontvang 12 maanden toegang tot virtuele labs die overeenkomen met de traditionele cursusconfiguratie. Actief voor 365 dagen na activering, beschikbaarheid varieert per Training. |
Tips & Tricks | Inbegrepen |
Examen Quiz | Inbegrepen |
Volledige training voor het officiële Examen | Ja |
Lesduur | 26 uur |
Voortgangsbewaking | Ja |
Toegang tot Materiaal | 365 dagen |
Technische Vereisten | Computer of mobiel apparaat, Stabiele internetverbindingen Webbrowserzoals Chrome, Firefox, Safari of Edge. |
Support of Ondersteuning | Helpdesk en online kennisbank 24/7 |
Certificering | Certificaat van deelname in PDF formaat |
Prijs en Kosten | Cursusprijs zonder extra kosten |
Annuleringsbeleid en Geld-Terug-Garantie | Wij beoordelen dit per situatie |
Award Winning E-learning | Ja |
Tip! | Zorg voor een rustige leeromgeving, tijd en motivatie, audioapparatuur zoals een koptelefoon of luidsprekers voor audio, accountinformatie zoals inloggegevens voor toegang tot het e-learning platform. |
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