Google Data Engineer Cursus E-Learning

Google Data Engineer Cursus E-Learning
Bestel nu direct en start vandaag nog de beste online E-Learning Google Data Engineer. 365 dagen trainen wanneer het u uitkomt.
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Google Data Engineer Cursus E-Learning Training
In deze online Google Data Engineer training behandelen we alle facetten van het certificaat: Professional Data Engineer.
✔️ 1 jaar 24/7 toegang tot uitgebreide interactieve video's, praktijkgerichte oefeningen en voortgangsbewaking.
✔️ Voorbereiding op certificering met diepgaande kennis en vaardigheden.
Waarom kiezen voor deze opleiding?
De rol van een Professional Data Engineer is essentieel in een datagestuurde wereld. Deze cursus biedt je de kennis en tools om gegevens effectief te verzamelen, te transformeren en te visualiseren. Je leert:
Data-analyse uitvoeren: Ontwikkel inzichten in bedrijfsresultaten door gegevens te analyseren.
Statistische modellen bouwen: Ondersteun besluitvorming met geavanceerde statistische technieken.
Machine Learning integreren: Creëer machine learning modellen om bedrijfsprocessen te automatiseren en te verbeteren.
Cloudtechnologie beheersen: Werk met Google Cloud Platform (GCP) om gegevens efficiënt op te slaan en te verwerken.
Met deze cursus krijg je niet alleen de kennis, maar ook de praktische ervaring om de Professional Data Engineer-certificering met vertrouwen te behalen.
Wie zou moeten deelnemen?
Deze training is ontworpen voor:
Data-analisten en ingenieurs: Professionals die hun vaardigheden willen uitbreiden naar dataverwerking en -analyse.
Softwareontwikkelaars: Ontwikkelaars die gegevensgestuurde applicaties willen bouwen.
IT-professionals: Mensen die willen overstappen naar een rol gericht op data-engineering.
Bedrijfsleiders en besluitvormers: Personen die inzicht willen krijgen in data-analyse en machine learning om zakelijke beslissingen te verbeteren.
Of je nu een beginner bent of een ervaren professional, deze cursus biedt een gestructureerde aanpak om je vaardigheden naar een hoger niveau te tillen.
GCP Fundamentals
Course: 24 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Google Cloud Platform Concepts
- Navigating Google Cloud Platform Services
- Benefits of Google Cloud Platform
- Comparing GCP and Other Models
GCP Account Management
Course: 21 Minutes
- Creating a GCP Account
- Navigating the GCP Console
- Creating a Project
- Using GCP BigQuery
Practice: Fundamentals of GCP
Course: 4 Minutes
- Exercise: Using GCP Data Products and Services
GCP Compute and Storage Fundamentals
Course: 19 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Compute and Storage Introduction
- CPUs on Demand with Google Compute Engine
- Cloud Storage
- Creating and Starting an Instance
Transforming Data with GCP
Course: 28 Minutes
- Google Cloud Shell Introduction
- Activating and Using Google Cloud Shell
- Creating and Starting a VM Instance in Cloud Shell
- Creating a Cloud Storage Bucket in Cloud Shell
Exploring GCP Data Analytics
Course: 21 Minutes
- Data Analysis with GCP
- Introduction to Cloud SQL
- Creating a MySQL Database with Cloud SQL
- Creating a PostgreSQL Database with Cloud SQL
Practice: Navigating Google Cloud Platform
Course: 6 Minutes
- Exercise: Use GCP Storage, Compute and Analytics
Further Analysis Concepts
Course: 7 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Importing Data with Cloud SQL
Hadoop and GCP
Course: 10 Minutes
- Hadoop in GCP
- Spark on Dataproc
- SparkML
Analysis at Scale
Course: 23 Minutes
- Fast Random Access with GCP
- GCP Cloud Data Lab
- BigQuery Introduction
- Machine Learning and Building Datasets
- TensorFlow Framework and Machine Learning
Practice: Analysis and Machine Learning
Course: 6 Minutes
- Exercise: Combining Analysis with Machine Learning
GCP Network Modeling
Course: 10 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Introduction to GCP Networks
- Using GCP Models to Create a Network
Machine Learning with TensorFlow GPU
Course: 8 Minutes
- Using TensorFlow for Machine Learning
- Using Common Machine Learning APIs
Data Processing Architecture
Course: 19 Minutes
- Processing Data with GCP
- Messaging Middleware Pub and Sub
- Working with GCP Pipelines
- Creating Dataflow Pipelines
- Using Real-time and Batch Data Processing
Practice: Data Analysis and Processing
Course: 6 Minutes
- Exercise: Analyzing Data Processing
Cloud Dataproc
Course: 19 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Overview of Data Management in GCP
- Exploring Cloud Dataproc
- Accessing Cloud Dataproc
- Using the Cloud Dataproc Dashboard
Cluster Management
Course: 19 Minutes
- Creating Clusters in GCP
- Deleting Clusters in GCP
- Defining Cluster Master and Worker Nodes
- Using Custom Machine Types and Preemptible Workers
- Using Dataproc Identity and Access Management
Practice: Cloud Data and Cluster Management
Course: 6 Minutes
- Exercise: Cluster Management and Dataproc
Continued Study of Cluster Management
Course: 9 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Clusters with the CLI
- Dataproc REST API
Architecture and Machine Types
Course: 15 Minutes
- Dataproc Architecture
- Machine Types
- Custom Machine Types
Dataproc Jobs
Course: 7 Minutes
- Dataproc Job Execution
- HDFS and GCS
Pig and Hive
Course: 8 Minutes
- Introduction to Pig and Hive
- Pig and Hive Jobs
Practice: Dataproc Implementations
Course: 8 Minutes
- Exercise: Concepts in Dataproc Implementations
Implementation using Dataproc
Course: 24 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Spark and Hadoop Processes
- Benefits of Cloud Dataproc
- Job Monitoring and Logging
- SSH into Master and Worker Nodes
- Spark REPL
Implementation using Cloud Shell
Course: 24 Minutes
- Separation of Compute and Storage
- BigQuery Features and Capabilities
- MapReduce with Big Data
- Job Submission with Cloud Shell
Practice: Dataproc Implementations
Course: 11 Minutes
- Exercise: Dataproc and Cloud Shell Implementations
Complex GCP Implementations with Dataproc
Course: 34 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Implementing Initialization Actions with GCP
- Using Functions and Operators with BigQuery
- Configuring Connectors with BigQuery
- Loading Data with BigQuery
- Updating and Extracting Data with BigQuery
Jupyter and Datalab
Course: 35 Minutes
- Programming Notebooks with Jupyter and Datalab
- Using Jupyter Notebooks with Apache Spark
- Using Google Cloud Storage and SQL
- Querying Data with Google Bigtable
- Using Google APIs
Practice: Complex GCP with Big Data
Course: 11 Minutes
- Exercise: Using Dataproc with Bigtable and Datalab
Exploring BigQuery
Course: 34 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Introduction to BigQuery
- BigQuery Exploring Datasets, Tables, and Views
- Writing Queries with BigQuery
- Big Query - Loading Data
- Exporting with BigQuery
BigQuery Operations
Course: 33 Minutes
- Using Nested and Repeated Fields
- Using Complex Queries
- Multiple Table Queries
- Building BigQuery Queries
Practice: BigQuery Fundamentals
Course: 13 Minutes
- Exercise: BigQuery Concepts and Operations
Cloud Machine Learning Engine
Course: 15 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- GCP Machine Learning Engine
- Machine Learning APIs
Exploring ML APIs
Course: 29 Minutes
- Using the Vision API
- Using the Natural Language API
- Using the Translation and Speech API
- Invoking ML APIs
- Using ML REST APIs
Implementing Vision API
Course: 10 Minutes
- Cloud Vision API and Kubernetes Cluster
Practice: Overview of GCP ML APIs
Course: 12 Minutes
- Exercise: Implementing ML APIs with GCP
Expressing Data Pipelines
Course: 32 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Apache Beam SDK
- Data Pipelines Using Beam Python SDK
- Data Pipelines Using Beam Java SDK
- Cloud Dataprep Initialization
- Ingestion of Data into a Pipeline
- Recipe Configuration with Cloud Dataprep
- Import/Export Flows and Dataflow Jobs
Big Data Processing
Course: 7 Minutes
- MapReduce Process versus Cloud Dataflow
- Serverless Architecture and Data Analytics
Practice: Create and Manage Pipelines
Course: 8 Minutes
- Exercise: Using Beam, Dataflow, and Dataprep
Machine Learning Fundamentals
Course: 15 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Exploring Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Datasets
- Loading Datasets for Cloud ML in GCP
Machine Learning and TensorFlow
Course: 50 Minutes
- Understanding TensorFlow
- Running a TensorFlow Python Program
- Using TensorFlow to Run a Local Trainer
- Using TensorBoard to Inspect Logs
- Running Local Trainers in Distributed Mode
- Running a Single-instance Trainer in the Cloud
- Inspecting Stackdriver Logs
Scaling with Cloud ML
Course: 14 Minutes
- Understanding Cloud ML Scaling
- Running Distributed Training in the Cloud
- Using Hyperparameter Tuning
Practice: TensorFlow and Cloud ML
Course: 10 Minutes
- Exercise: Using TensorFlow and Cloud ML
GCP Feature Engineering
Course: 19 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Exploring Features
- Benefits of Quality Features
- Input Operations
- Feature Engineering Operations
Streaming Architecture
Course: 52 Minutes
- Exploring Stream Data
- Exploring Dataflow Triggers and Late Data
- Installing Java JDK on Windows 10
- Installing Apache Maven on Windows 10
- Installing Google Cloud SDK on Windows 10
- Implementing Streaming Pipelines with Java
- Implementing Streaming Pipelines with Python
Practice: Feature Engineering and Streaming
Course: 6 Minutes
- Exercise: Features and Streaming Data Models
Data Stream Operations
Course: 36 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Handling Late Data Recap
- Understanding Watermarks, Triggers, and Accumulation
- Configuring Storage, BigQuery Data, and Pub/Sub
- Configuring Cloud Functions
- Building a Streaming Data Pipeline
- Understanding Batch and Stream Operations
Streaming Analytics
Course: 9 Minutes
- Understanding Streaming Analytics
- Working with Big Data Streaming and BigQuery
Streaming Dashboard
Course: 13 Minutes
- Using Google Data Studio
- Building a Dashboard with Google Data Studio
Stream Processing Pipelines
Course: 6 Minutes
- Using Pipelines, PCollections, and Transforms
Practice: Exploring Streams and Analytics
Course: 7 Minutes
- Exercise: Using Streaming and Analytics Operations
Handling Throughput Operations
Course: 42 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Introduction to Cloud Spanner
- Cloud Spanner Replication and Instances
- Cloud Spanner Schema, Datatypes and Best Practices
- Bigtable Operations
- Designing a Schema using Bigtable
- Creating a Bigtable Instance
Security Considerations
Course: 25 Minutes
- Secure Data with Security Control
- Identify and Access Management
- GCP Security Layers
- Data and Security Compliance on GCP
Practice: Big Data and Security
Course: 7 Minutes
- Exercise: Overview of Big Data and Security
Ga vandaag nog aan de slag!
✔️ Volledige toegang tot alle cursusmaterialen en oefeningen om je optimaal voor te bereiden.
✔️ Praktische opdrachten om je kennis direct toe te passen in realistische scenario's.
✔️ Ondersteuning van experts: Hulp van een online mentor voor al je vragen.
Schrijf je nu in en word een gecertificeerde Google Data Engineer!
Taal | Engels |
Kwalificaties van de Instructeur | Gecertificeerd |
Cursusformaat en Lengte | Lesvideo's met ondertiteling, interactieve elementen en opdrachten en testen |
Lesduur | 15:42 uur |
Voortgangsbewaking | Ja |
Toegang tot Materiaal | 365 dagen |
Technische Vereisten | Computer of mobiel apparaat, Stabiele internetverbindingen Webbrowserzoals Chrome, Firefox, Safari of Edge. |
Support of Ondersteuning | Helpdesk en online kennisbank 24/7 |
Certificering | Certificaat van deelname in PDF formaat |
Prijs en Kosten | Cursusprijs zonder extra kosten |
Annuleringsbeleid en Geld-Terug-Garantie | Wij beoordelen dit per situatie |
Award Winning E-learning | Ja |
Tip! | Zorg voor een rustige leeromgeving, tijd en motivatie, audioapparatuur zoals een koptelefoon of luidsprekers voor audio, accountinformatie zoals inloggegevens voor toegang tot het e-learning platform. |
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