Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Training

Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Training
Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Online E-Learning Training. Bestellen en direct starten voor de beste prijs.
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Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery E-Learning Training
Bestel deze unieke E-Learning Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery cursus online!
✔️ 1 jaar 24/7 toegang tot uitgebreide interactieve video's, spraakopdrachten en praktische oefeningen.
✔️ Voortgangsbewaking door middel van rapporten en tests per onderwerp om direct je kennis te toetsen.
✔️ Inclusief certificaat van deelname na afronding van de cursus.
Waarom kiezen voor deze opleiding?
Back-up en herstel zijn cruciale onderdelen van databasebeheer, en Oracle Database 12c biedt krachtige tools en technieken om deze processen te optimaliseren. Deze training biedt een uitgebreide en praktische benadering van back-up- en herstelmethoden, zodat je klaar bent om je databaseomgeving effectief te beheren en beschermen.
Wat je zult leren:
- RMAN in detail: Hoe je Recovery Manager (RMAN) gebruikt voor verschillende soorten back-ups en herstelbewerkingen.
- Probleemoplossing: Identificeer en los problemen op die kunnen optreden tijdens back-up- en herstelprocessen.
- Afstemming van RMAN: Optimaliseer RMAN-bewerkingen voor betere prestaties en efficiëntie.
- Database duplicatie en transport: Leer hoe je databases kunt dupliceren en transporteren met behulp van Oracle Database 12c.
- Oracle Secure Backup: Ontdek hoe je Oracle Secure Backup kunt gebruiken om je back-ups beter te beveiligen en te beheren.
Wie zou moeten deelnemen?
Deze cursus is speciaal ontworpen voor:
- Databasebeheerders (DBA's) die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het onderhouden en beveiligen van Oracle Database 12c omgevingen.
- IT-professionals die hun vaardigheden in databasebeheer willen uitbreiden.
- Systeembeheerders die willen leren hoe ze efficiënte back-up- en herstelstrategieën kunnen implementeren.
- Oracle-certificeringskandidaten die zich voorbereiden op certificering in Oracle Database 12c beheer.
- Bedrijfseigenaren en managers die willen begrijpen hoe ze hun bedrijfsgegevens beter kunnen beschermen tegen verlies of schade.
Backup and Recovery Solutions
Course: 28 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Overview of Innovation and Cloud Computing
- Assessing Recovery Requirements
- Identifying the Categories of Failures
- Backup and Recovery Solutions
- Recovery Solutions Architectures
- RMAN, Secure Backup, and Data Guard Overview
The Oracle Database Architecture
Course: 43 Minutes
- The Oracle Database Server Architecture
- Process Architecture
- The Grid Infrastructure for a Stand-alone Server
- Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture
- Oracle Restart and DBA Tools
- Backing up a Database Using RMAN in NOARCHIVELOG Mode
- Performing Recovery of a Database in NOARCHIVELOG Mode
Configuring RMAN and Files for Recovery
Course: 36 Minutes
- Configuring Persistent RMAN Settings
- Setting the Retention Policy in RMAN
- Using the Fast Recovery Area
- Configuring the Fast Recovery Area
- Sizing and Managing the Fast Recovery Area
- Multiplexing Control Files
- Multiplexing Redo Log Files
- Creating Archived Redo Log Files
RMAN Recovery Catalog
Course: 38 Minutes
- Overview of the RMAN Recovery Catalog
- Creating the Recovery Catalog to Store Repository Data
- Managing Target Databases in the RMAN Recovery Catalog
- Configuring Cloud Control to Use RMAN Catalog
- RMAN Recovery Catalog Resynchronization
- Using RMAN Stored Scripts
- Backing up the RMAN Recovery Catalog
- Virtual Private RMAN Catalogs
Practice: Configuring for Recoverability
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Configure RMAN and the Recovery Catalog
Backup Strategies and Terminology
Course: 34 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Backup and Restore Requirements
- Backup Strategies
- Backup and Recovery Best Practices for Data Warehousing
- Creating Backup Sets and Image Copies
- Creating a Whole Database Backup
- Creating a Backup Schedule in Oracle Database 12c
Performing Backups
Course: 37 Minutes
- Overview of the RMAN Backup Types
- Creating Incremental, Updated, and Fast Backups
- Maintaining and Monitoring Block Change Tracking
- Oracle-Suggested Backups
- Reporting on Backups Using RMAN and Dynamic Views
- Managing Backups Using Cross-Checking and Deleting
- Creating an Incremental Backup Strategy
Improving Backups
Course: 25 Minutes
- Backup Compression
- Use Media Manager
- Backup and Restore Very Large Files
- Proxy, Duplexed, and Backup Sets in Oracle Database 12c
- Creating and Managing Archival Backups
- Backing up Recovery, Control, and Other Database Files
RMAN-Encrypted Backups
Course: 15 Minutes
- RMAN-Encrypted Backups Overview
- Using Transparent-Mode Encryption
- Using RMAN Password and Dual-Mode Encryption
- Restoring an Encrypted Backup
Practice: Performing and Managing Backups
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Performing Backups using RMAN
Diagnosing Failures
Course: 51 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Automatic Diagnostic Workflow
- Using ADRCI and V$DIAG_INFO View for ADR Information
- Interpreting RMAN Error Messages
- Using Data Recovery Advisor in EM Cloud Control
- Using Data Recovery Advisor RMAN Command-Line Interface
- Using Data Recovery Advisor Views
- Diagnose and Repair a Database Failure Using RMAN
- Handling Block Corruption
- Setting Parameters to Detect Block Corruption
- Repairing Block Corruption Using RMAN
- Performing Block Media Recovery
- Overview of the Automatic Block Repair Feature
Practice: Diagnosing and Repairing Failures
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Diagnose and Repair Database Failures
Restore and Recovery Concepts
Course: 20 Minutes
- File Loss and Data Repair
- Overview of the Restoring and Recovering Commands
- Understanding Instance Recovery in Oracle Database 12c
- Tuning Instance Recovery and Using MTTR
- Complete and Incomplete Recovery
Practice: Restoring and Recovering Concepts
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Identify Restore and Recovery Concepts
Performing Recovery
Course: 46 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Ensuring Backups Are Available to Perform a Restore
- Restoring a Database in NOARCHIVELOG Mode
- Performing Complete Recovery
- Recovering from the Loss of a Data File
- Restoring ASM Disk Groups
- Recovering Image Copies
- Performing Point-in-Time Recovery
- Performing Incomplete Recovery after a Failure
Performing Advanced Recovery
Course: 54 Minutes
- Recovering a SPFILE
- Recovering Control Files
- Restoring and Recovering from the Loss of Control Files
- Recovering from the Loss of Redo Log Files
- Recovering from the Loss of Redo Log Groups
- Restoring the Password File
- Recovering Tablespaces and Tempfiles
- Recover and Restore a 12c Database to a New Host
- Performing Disaster Recovery
- Restore Encrypted Backups
Practice: Performing Database Recovery
Course: 1 Minute
- Exercise: Perform Recovery of Databases
Oracle Secure Backup
Course: 27 Minutes
- RMAN and Oracle Secure Backup Integration Overview
- Installing Oracle Secure Backup
- Configuring Oracle Secure Backup for RMAN
- Oracle Secure Backup Jobs and the Obtool Commands
- Configuring OSB and Performing a Backup
Practice: Installing and Configuring OSB
Course: 1 Minute
- Exercise: Install and Configure OSB
Flashback Query, Table, and Transaction Query
Course: 46 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Understanding the Flashback Technologies Available
- Configuring an Oracle 12c Database to Support Flashback
- Using the Flashback Query and Version Query Features
- Understanding the Flashback Table Feature
- Using the Flashback Table Feature
- Understanding the Flashback Transaction Query Feature
- Using the Flashback Transaction Query Feature
- Understanding Flashback Drop and the Recycle Bin
- Restoring a Dropped Table Using Flashback Drop
Flashback Data Archives and Temporal Data
Course: 25 Minutes
- Creating Temporal History and Enabling Archiving
- Identifying the Flashback Data Archive Process
- Understanding Transparent and Full Schema Evolution
- Using Temporal Validity and History in a Database Table
- Filtering on Valid-Time Columns in a Database Table
Use Flashback Database
Course: 32 Minutes
- Understanding the Flashback Database Feature
- Configuring Flashback Database
- Flashing Back a Database Using Flashback Database
- Understand the Flashback Database Considerations
- Monitoring Flashback Database Information
- Using Restore Points with Flashback Database
- Best Practices for Using the Flashback Database Feature
Practice: Performing Oracle Flashback
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Use Oracle Flashback Technologies
Transporting Data
Course: 35 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- Overview of Transporting Data
- Identifying the Endian Format for Conversion
- Transporting Data with Backup Sets and Data Files
- Identifying the Procedure to Transport a Database
- Performing Database Transportation
- Performing Database Transportation with Backup Sets
- Performing Tablespace Transportation
Practice: Performing Data Transport
Course: 7 Minutes
- Exercise: Transport Data, Databases, and Tablespaces
Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery
Course: 24 Minutes
- Overview of Point-in-Time Recovery
- Overview of the TSPITR Architecture
- Preparing to Perform TSPITR
- Performing Fully Automated TSPITR
- Performing TSPITR Using an Auxiliary Instance
- Troubleshooting RMAN TSPITR
Table Recovery
Course: 16 Minutes
- Overview of Table Recovery from Backups
- The Process of How to Perform Table Recovery
- Recovering a Table from a Backup
Practice: Performing TSPITR and Table Recovery
Course: 7 Minutes
- Exercise: Performing TSPITR and Table Recovery
Duplicating Databases
Course: 49 Minutes
- Course Introduction
- The Different Techniques to Duplicate a Database
- The Push and Pull Methods of Duplicating a Database
- Techniques for Duplicating a Database from Backup
- Create the Parameter File for the Auxiliary Instance
- Use Set Newname to Specify New Names for Data Files
- Starting the Auxiliary Instance and Allocating Channels
- Understand the RMAN Duplication Operation
- Understand the RMAN Duplicate Command Options
- Duplicating a Database
Practice: Performing Database Duplication
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Duplicating Oracle 12c Databases
Troubleshooting and Tuning RMAN
Course: 44 Minutes
- Interpreting RMAN Messages and Error Stacks
- Understand How RMAN Commands are Processed
- Use SBTTEST and Identify RMAN Problems
- Diagnose Performance Bottlenecks Read Operations
- Diagnose Performance Bottlenecks Write Operations
- Use Dynamic Views and Monitoring RMAN Jobs
- Asynchronous and Synchronous I/O Bottlenecks in RMAN
- Understand the Steps to Tune RMAN Backup Performance
- Parallelization of Backup Sets for Performance
- Set the LARGE_POOL_SIZE for Performance
- Configure RMAN Multiplexing to Improve Performance
- Best Practices for Restore and Recovery Performance
Practice: Troubleshooting and Tuning RMAN
Course: 5 Minutes
- Exercise: Troubleshoot and Tune RMAN Operations
Ga aan de slag met Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery!
✔️ Behaal expertise in databasebeheer met praktische oefeningen en diepgaande video's.
✔️ Test en verbeter je kennis direct met voortgangsrapporten en tests per onderwerp.
✔️ Behaal een certificaat van deelname en versterk je professionele profiel.
Bestel nu jouw cursus en zorg ervoor dat je voorbereid bent op elke uitdaging met Oracle Database 12c!
Taal | Engels |
Kwalificaties van de Instructeur | Gecertificeerd |
Cursusformaat en Lengte | Lesvideo's met ondertiteling, interactieve elementen en opdrachten en testen |
Lesduur | 12:51 uur |
Voortgangsbewaking | Ja |
Toegang tot Materiaal | 365 dagen |
Technische Vereisten | Computer of mobiel apparaat, Stabiele internetverbindingen Webbrowserzoals Chrome, Firefox, Safari of Edge. |
Support of Ondersteuning | Helpdesk en online kennisbank 24/7 |
Certificering | Certificaat van deelname in PDF formaat |
Prijs en Kosten | Cursusprijs zonder extra kosten |
Annuleringsbeleid en Geld-Terug-Garantie | Wij beoordelen dit per situatie |
Award Winning E-learning | Ja |
Tip! | Zorg voor een rustige leeromgeving, tijd en motivatie, audioapparatuur zoals een koptelefoon of luidsprekers voor audio, accountinformatie zoals inloggegevens voor toegang tot het e-learning platform. |
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